
- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:东南大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:交通运输系
- 学科:交通运输规划与管理. 城乡规划学. 交通系统工程
- 办公地点:土木实验四号楼513室
- 电子邮箱:szhong@dlut.edu.cn
[21] 钟绍鹏, 王顺, 姜怡, 于冰, Chen M..Combined Effects of Road Pricing and Rail Transit on Land Use, Transportation Systems, and Vehicle E[A],5th International Conference on Transportation Engineering, ICTE 2015,2022,2739-2745
[22] 王仲, 侯琳, 钟绍鹏.A Trip Generation Forecasting Method Based on Point of Interest Data Mining from Internet[A],The 12th Asia Pacific Transportation Development Conference,2022
[23] 钟绍鹏, Bushell, Max.Built environment and potential job accessibility effects of road pricing: A spatial econometric p[J],Journal of Transport Geography,2022,60(60):98-109
[24] 钟绍鹏, 宫云海, Zhou, Zhijian, Cheng, Rong, 冯潇.Active learning for multi-objective optimal road congestion pricing considering negative land use ef[J],TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART C-EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES,2022,125
[25] 钟绍鹏.A Reliability-Based Stochastic System Optimum Congestion Pricing Model Under ATIS with Endogenous Ma[A],Proceedings of the 91th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting,2022,1-22
[26] 钟绍鹏, Jiang, Yu, Nielsen, Otto Anker.Lexicographic multi-objective road pricing optimization considering land use and transportation effe[J],European Journal of Operational Research,2022
[27] 钟绍鹏.The combined effects of rail transit and road pricing on land use, transportation system, and vehicl[A],ICTE,2022,2739-2745
[28] 钟绍鹏, 程荣, 王仲, 姜宇.α-reliable mean-excess regret model for emergency location routing problem under demand uncertainty[A],The 6th International Conference on Transportation and Space-time Economics,2022
[29] Song, Jinchao, Zhao, Chunli, 钟绍鹏, Nielsen, Thomas Alexander Sick, Prishchepov, Alexander V..Mapping spatio-temporal patterns and detecting the factors of traffic congestion with multi-source[J],COMPUTERS ENVIRONMENT AND URBAN SYSTEMS,2022,77
[30] Liu, Jianrong, 钟绍鹏, Huang, Yaqing, 王仲.How does the preference heterogeneity affect the elderly's evaluation of bus accessibility? Evidence[J],JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT & HEALTH,2022,22
[31] 钟绍鹏, Bushell, Max.Impact of the built environment on the vehicle emission effects of road pricing policies: A simula[J],TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART A POLICY AND PRACTICE,2022,103:235-249
[32] 钟绍鹏, 程荣, 李旭峰, 姜宇, 姜瑜, 王仲.Identifying the combined effect of shared autonomous vehicles and congestion pricing on regional j[J],Journal of Transport and Land Use,2022,13(1):273-297
[33] 钟绍鹏, 王仲.Exploring the Spatially Heterogeneous Effects of Urban Built Environment on Road Travel Time Variabi[J],Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A Systems,2022,147(1)
[34] Dapeng Zhang, Feng Xiao, Minyu Shen, 钟绍鹏.DNEAT: A novel dynamic node-edge attention network for origin-destination demand prediction[J],TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART C EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES,2022,122:102851-
[35] 章立辉, 钟绍鹏.Directional lane-allocation concerning demand uncertainty[J],IET Intelligent Transport Systems,2022,7(4):380-387
[36] 钟绍鹏, Wang, Shusheng, Jiang, Yao, Yu, Bo, Zhang, Wenhao.Distinguishing the land use effects of road pricing based on the urban form attributes[J],TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART A POLICY AND PRACTICE,2022,74:44-58
[37] Jianrong Liu, 钟绍鹏, Yaqing Huang, 王仲.How does the preference heterogeneity affect the elderly's evaluation of bus accessibility? Eviden[J],Journal of Transport & Health,2021,22(1):101094-
[38] 王仲, Safdar, Muhammad, 钟绍鹏, Liu, Jianrong, Xiao, Feng.Public Preferences of Shared Autonomous Vehicles in Developing Countries: A Cross-National Study of [J],JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION,2021,2021(5141798)
[39] Dapeng Zhang, Feng Xiao, Minyu Shen, 钟绍鹏.DNEAT: A novel dynamic node-edge attention network for origin-destination demand prediction[J],Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies,2021,122:102851-
[40] 钟绍鹏, Cheng, Rong, Jiang, Yu, 王仲, Larsen, Allan, Nielsen, Otto Anker.Risk-averse optimization of disaster relief facility location and vehicle routing under stochastic[J],TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART E-LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORTATION REVIEW,2021,141