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- [1]王大伟, 杨珺雅, 闫叶婷, Zhao, Chengsong, 周玲.Controllable excitation transfer based on the coupling of an atom with a finite-size Su-Schrieffe...[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW A,109(3)
- [2]Zhao, Chengsong, 王大伟, 闫叶婷, Yang, Zhen, 李崇, Wang, Zhihai, 周玲.Quantum networks assisted by dark modes in optomagnonic systems[J],Physical Review A,108(4)
- [3]闫叶婷, 赵成松, 王大伟, 杨珺雅, 周玲.Simultaneous blockade of two remote magnons induced by an atom[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW A,109(2)
- [4]杨珺雅, 赵成松, 王大伟, Peng, Rui, 周玲.Dissipative-coupling-induced steady-state entanglement and one-way steering in a cavity-magnonics...[J],Physical Review Applied,2024,21(4)
- [5]Yang, Zhen, 杨珺雅, Zhao, Chengsong, Peng, Rui, 周玲.Improving mechanical cooling by using magnetic thermal noise in a cavity-magnomechanical system[J],Optics Letters,48(2):375-378
- [6]王大伟, 杨珺雅, 闫叶婷, Zhao, Chengsong, 周玲.Simulating the extended Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model and transferring an entangled state based on a...[J],Physical Review A,2024,107(5)
- [7]杜成章, Wang, Da-Wei, Zhao, Cheng-Song, Yang, Junya, 周玲.Quantum illumination based on cavity-optomagnonics system with Kerr nonlinearity[J],Optics Express,31(17)
- [8]Peng, Rui, 赵成松, 杨珺雅, Yang, Zhen, 周玲.Enhancement of mechanical entanglement and asymmetric steering with coherent feedback[J],Physical Review A,2024,107(1)
- [9]王大伟, 赵成松, 闫叶婷, 杨珺雅, Wang, Zhihai, 周玲.Topology-dependent giant-atom interaction in a topological waveguide QED system[J],Physical Review A,2024,109(5)
- [10]闫叶婷, 王大伟, 杨珺雅, 周玲.Microwave-to-Optical Conversion and Amplification in Cavity Optomagnonics System[J],Annalen der Physik,2024
- [11]Zhao, Chengsong, Li, Wenlin, Xiong, Biao, Gong, Wei-Jiang, 周玲.Dissipatively stabilized squeezed-cat qubits and their application in thermometry[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW A,2024,110(4)
- [12]Peng, Rui, 王大伟, Yang, Zhen, 周玲.Manipulating bipartite and tripartite quantum correlations of mechanical oscillators via optomech...[J],Optics Express,2024,31(22):35754-35764
- [13]Chao, Shi-Lei, Yang, Zhen, Zhao, Cheng-Song, Peng, Rui, 周玲.Force sensing in a dual-mode optomechanical system with linear-quadratic coupling and modulated p...[J],OPTICS LETTERS,2022,46(13):3075-3078
- [14]Zhao, Chengsong, Peng, Rui, Yang, Zhen, Chao, Shilei, 李冲, 周玲.Atom-Mediated Phonon Blockade and Controlled-Z Gate in Superconducting Circuit System[J],ANNALEN DER PHYSIK,2022,533(5)
- [15]Yang, Junya, Zhen, Zhao, Chengsong, Peng, Rui, Chao, Shilei, 周玲.Nonlinearity enhancement and photon blockade in hybrid optomechanical systems[J],OPTICS EXPRESS,2022,29(22):36167-36179
- [16]Peng, Rui, Zhao, Chengsong, Yang, Zhen, Xiong, Biao, 周玲.Nonreciprocal Amplification in Coupled-Rotating Cavities Around Exceptional Points[J],ANNALEN DER PHYSIK,2022,533(4)
- [17]Zhao, Chengsong, Li, Xun, Chao, Shilei, Peng, Rui, 李崇, 周玲.Simultaneous blockade of a photon, phonon, and magnon induced by a two-level atom[J],Physical review A Atomic molecular and optical physics,2022,101(6)
- [18]Zhao, Chengsong, Li, Xun, Chao, Shilei, Peng, Rui, Chong, Zhou, Ling, CS (corresponding author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Phys, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Simultaneous blockade of a photon, phonon, and magnon induced by a two-level atom[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW A,2020,101(6)
- [19]Xiong, Biao, Li, Xun, Chao, Shi-Lei, Yang, Zhen, Peng, Rui, Zhou, Ling, L (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Phys, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Strong Squeezing of Duffing Oscillator in a Highly Dissipative Optomechanical Cavity System[J],ANNALEN DER PHYSIK,2020,532(4)
- [20]Xiong, Biao, Li, Xun, Chao, Shi-Lei, Yang, Zhen, Zhang, Wen-Zhao, Weiping, Zhou, Ling, L (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Phys, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Strong mechanical squeezing in an optomechanical system based on Lyapunov control[J],PHOTONICS RESEARCH,2020,8(2):151-159