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周圣阳,男,博士,副教授,博士生导师。2016年毕业于大连理工大学,获工学学士学位;2021年毕业于中国科学院长春应用化学研究所,获有机化学理学博士学位。2021年7月-2024年7月任职于中国科学院理化技术研究所,担任特别研究助理;2024年8月任职于大连理工大学化工学院,担任副教授,从事离子选择膜材料制备及应用研究。已在国际高水平期刊上共发表文章 29 篇,申请专利 4 项,其中以第一作者及通讯作者发表 10 篇于J. Am. Chem. Soc., Adv. Mater.,ACS Cent. Sci.,ACS Mater. Lett.,Small,Macromolecules,J. Mater. Chem. A,J. Membr. Sci.等期刊上,以第一申请人获得授权专利 2 项。主持并参与了国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目、国家重点实验室开放项目、科技部重点专项、国家自然科学基金面上项目、国际(地区)合作与交流项目等。
1. Huang, D., Zou, K., Wu, Y. Li, K., Zhang, Z., Liu, T., Chen, W., Yan, Z., Zhou, S.*, Kong, X., Jiang, L., & Wen, L.*, TRPM4-inspired polymeric nanochannels with preferential cation transport for high-efficiency salinity-gradient energy conversion. Journal of American Chemical Society, 2024, 146, 16469−16477.
2. Liu, Y., Qian, Y., Fu, L., Zhu, C., Li, X., Wang, Q., Ling, H., Du, H., Zhou, S.*, Kong, X., Jiang, L., & Wen, L.*, Archaea-inspired switchable nanochannels for on-demand lithium detection by pH activation. ACS Central Science, 2024, 10, 469−476.
3. Yu, H., Guan, J., Chen, Y., Sun, Y., Zhou, S.*, Zheng, J., Zhang, Q., Li, S., & Zhang, S*. , Large-area soluble covalent organic framework oligomer coating for organic solution nanofiltration membranes. Small, 2023, 20, 2305613.
4. Zhou, S., Hu, Y., Xin, W., Fu, L., Lin, X., Yang, L., Hou, S., Kong, X.*, Jiang, L., & Wen, L.*, Surfactant- assisted sulfonated covalent organic nanosheets: extrinsic charge for improved ion transport and salinity- gradient energy harvesting. Advanced Materials, 2023, 35, 2208640.
5. Zhou, S., Lin, X., Hu, Y., Fu, L., Luo, Q., Yang, L., Hou, S., Kong, X., Jiang, L., & Wen, L.*, Tailoring sulfonated poly(phenyl-alkane)s of intrinsic microporosity membrane for advanced osmotic energy conversion. ACS Materials Letters, 2022, 4, 1422-1429.
6. Zhou, S., Guan, J., Li, Z., Huang, L., Zheng, J.*, Li, S., & Zhang, S.*, Alkaline polymers of intrinsic microporosity: high conduction and low-loss anhydrous proton exchange membranes for energ conversion. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021, 9, 3925–3930.
7. Zhou, S., Guan,J., Li, Z., Zhang Q., Zheng, J.*, Li, S., & Zhang, S.*, Synthesis of fluorinated poly(phenyl- alkane)s of intrinsic microporosity by regioselective aldehyde (A2) + aromatics (B2) Friedel–Crafts polycondensation. Macromolecules, 2021, 54, 6543–6551.
8. Zhou, S., Cai, Y., Zhang, Q., Zheng, J.*, Li, S., Li, Y.*, Zhang, S.*, & Ding, Y.*, High flexible ether-free semi-crystalline fuel cell membranes: molecular-level design, assembly structure and properties. Journal of Membrane Science, 2021, 627, 119240.
9. Zhou, S., Sun, Y., Xue, B., Li, S., Zheng, J.*, & Zhang, S.*, Controlled superacid-catalyzed self-cross-linked polymer of intrinsic microporosity for high-performance CO2 separation. Macromolecules, 2020, 53, 7988–7996.
10. Zhou, S., Zhao, Y., Zheng, J.*, & Zhang, S.*, High-performance functionalized polymer of intrinsic microporosity (PIM) composite membranes with thin and stable interconnected layer for organic solvent nanofiltration. Journal of Membrane Science, 2019, 591, 117347.