- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:牛津大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:力学与航空航天学院
- 学科:固体力学. 应用数学
- 办公地点:工程力学系407室
- 电子邮箱:yichaozhu@dlut.edu.cn
[21] Xue, Dingchuan, 朱一超, 郭旭.Generation of smoothly-varying infill configurations from a continuous menu of cell patterns and t[J],COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING,2022,366
[22] 朱一超.Homognenisation of a row of dislocation dipoles from discrete dislocation dynamics[J],SIAM JOURNAL ON APPLIED MATHEMATICS,2022,76(2):750-775
[23] Xue, Riye, 李瑞, 杜宗亮, 张维声, 朱一超, 孙直, 郭旭.Kirigami pattern design of mechanically driven formation of complex 3D structures through topology[J],Extreme Mechanics Letters,2022,15:139-144
[24] 孙直, Chen, Hongjie, 郭旭, Cui, Tianchen, 朱一超, 张维声, Shi, Shanshan, 唐山, 杜宗亮, 刘畅, Ronghua.The mechanical principles behind the golden ratio distribution of veins in plant leaves[J],Scientific Reports,2022,8(1):13859
[25] 朱一超.The role of dislocation pile-up in flow stress determination and strain hardening[J],SCRIPTA MATERIALIA,2022,116(1):53-56
[26] 张维声, Song, Junfu, Zhou, Jianhua, 杜宗亮, 朱一超, 孙直, 郭旭.Topology optimization with multiple materials via moving morphable component (MMC) method[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING,2022,113(11):1653-1675
[27] Niu, Xiaohua, 朱一超, Dai, Shuyang, Xiang, Yang.A CONTINUUM MODEL FOR DISTRIBUTIONS OF DISLOCATIONS INCORPORATING SHORT-RANGE INTERACTIONS[J],Communications in Mathematical Sciences,2022,16(2):491-522
[28] 刘畅, 杜宗亮, 张维声, 朱一超, 郭旭.Additive Manufacturing-Oriented Design of Graded Lattice Structures Through Explicit Topology Opti[J],JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME,2022,84(8)
[29] Ma, Benben, 朱一超, Jin, Fan, Ding, Quan, 郭旭.A lightweight optimal design model for bolted flange joints without gaskets considering its sealin[J],PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART E JOURNAL OF PR,2022,232(2):234-255
[30] 郭旭, Ma, Benben, 朱一超.A magnification-based multi-asperity (MBMA) model of rough contact without adhesion[J],JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF SOLIDS,2022,133
[31] 张维声, Liu, Ying, 杜宗亮, 朱一超, 郭旭.A Moving Morphable Component Based Topology Optimization Approach for Rib-Stiffened Structures Con[J],JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN,2022,140(11,SI)
[32] 刘畅, 朱一超, 孙直, Li, Dingding, 杜宗亮, 张维声, 郭旭.An efficient moving morphable component (MMC)-based approach for multi-resolution topology optimiz[J],STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION,2022,58(6):2455-2479
[33] 朱一超, 郭旭, 张维声.A Novel Asymptotic-Analysis-Based Homogenisation Approach towards Fast Design of Infill Graded Micro[J],JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF SOLIDS,2022
[34] 罗静, 辛勇, 周正成, 朱一超, 郭旭.Attempts on representing sink strengths with machine learning formulations and the long-term role of[J],JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS,2022,544:152676-
[35] 朱一超, 王健, Xiang, Yang, 郭旭.A three-scale homogenisation approach to the prediction of long-time absorption of radiation induc[J],JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF SOLIDS,2022,105:1-20
[36] Zhou, Zhengcheng, 朱一超, Luo, Jing, Yang, Xiang, 郭旭.Characterisation of dislocation patterning behaviour with a continuum dislocation dynamics model o[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES,2022,198:57-71
[37] 朱一超.Continuum dynamics of the formation, migration and dissociation of self-locked dislocation structure[J],JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF SOLIDS,2022,96(1):369-387
[38] 马奔奔, 朱一超, 丁全, 郭旭.无垫圈螺栓连接系统优化设计和泄漏率预测[J],强度与环境,2022,45(4):38-46
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[40] Xue, Riye, 刘畅, 张维声, 朱一超, 唐山, 杜宗亮, 郭旭.Explicit structural topology optimization under finite deformation via Moving Morphable Void (MMV)[J],COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING,2019,344:798-818