
- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:牛津大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:力学与航空航天学院
- 学科:固体力学. 应用数学
- 办公地点:工程力学系407室
- 电子邮箱:yichaozhu@dlut.edu.cn
[1] 马国闻, 朱一超.A semi-phenomenological dynamics model for full-life predictions of stress corrosion cracking[J],Materialia,2024,37
[2] 朱一超, 李少帅, Wang, Biao.Classification of inelastic deformation and material-intrinsic indices about mechanical performance [J],SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY,2024,66(11)
[3] 宋子文, 孙直, 朱一超.基于渐近分析法的复杂截面梁振动分析[J],力学学报,2024
[4] 潘玺玮, 周正成, 马闯, 李少帅, 朱一超.Machine-learning-based asymptotic homogenisation and localisation considering boundary layer effects[J],International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,2024,125(1)
[5] Dong, Zhaochen, 朱一超, 郭旭.A General Simulation Method for Complex Deformation of Irregular-Shaped Origami Configurations[J],ACTA MECHANICA SOLIDA SINICA,2024
[6] 宋子文, 孙直, 朱一超.基于渐近分析法的复杂截面梁振动分析[J],Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,2024,56(2):494-505
[7] 毕义康, 李少帅, 朱一超.Fast Optimal Design of Shell-Graded-Infill Structures With Explicit Boundary by a Hybrid MMC-AABH Pl[J],Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME,2024,91(4)
[8] Li, Shaoshuai, 朱一超, Guo, Xu.Geometric-feature-based design of spatially varying multiscale structure with quasi-conformal mappin[J],STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION,2024,67(2)
[9] 杨凯峥, 朱一超.A general scheme for point defect sink strength calculation and related machine-learning-based expre[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLASTICITY,2024,172
[10] 周正成, 郭旭, 朱一超.Machine learning based asymptotic homogenization and localization: Predictions of key local behavior[J],International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,124(3):639-669
[11] 赵雪, 朱一超.A general leading-order asymptotic theory of thin microstructural plates and uncertainty quantificat[J],Journal of Composite Materials,57(20):3145-3171
[12] 马闯, Zhang, Jianhao, 朱一超.Performance analysis and optimisation of spatially-varying infill microstructure within CAD geometri[J],Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,416
[13] 朱一超, Luo, Jing, 郭旭, Xiang, Yang, Chapman, Stephen Jonathan.Role of Grain Boundaries under Long-Time Radiation[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS,2022,120(22):222501
[14] 张维声, Zhou, Jianhua, 朱一超, 郭旭.Structural complexity control in topology optimization via moving morphable component (MMC) approa[J],STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION,2022,56(3):535-552
[15] Xue, Dingchuan, 朱一超, Li, Shaoshuai, 刘畅, 张维声, 郭旭.On speeding up an asymptotic-analysis-based homogenisation scheme for designing gradient porous st[J],STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION,2022,62(2):457-473
[16] 刘畅, 杜宗亮, 朱一超, 张维声, Zhang, Xiaoyu, 郭旭.Optimal design of shell-graded-infill structures by a hybrid MMC-MMV approach[J],COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING,2022,369
[17] Gu, Yejun, Han, Jian, Dai, Shuyang, 朱一超, Xiang, Yang, Srolovitz, David J..Point defect sink efficiency of low-angle tilt grain boundaries[J],JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF SOLIDS,2022,101:166-179
[18] 张维声, Liu, Ying, 彭伟, 朱一超, 郭旭.Explicit control of structural complexity in topology optimization[J],COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING,2022,324:149-169
[19] 朱一超, Wei, Yihai, 郭旭.Gurtin-Murdoch surface elasticity theory revisit: An orbital-free density functional theory perspe[J],JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF SOLIDS,2022,109:178-197
[20] Luo, Jing, Xin, Yong, Sun, Zhipeng, 李元鸣, 朱一超, 陈萍.Formulation of voids and bubbles as biased sinks to crystalline point defects[J],SCRIPTA MATERIALIA,2022,197