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Microstructure and properties of laser welding Ni-based alloy/austenitic stainless steel with filler wire for nuclear reactor pump can end sealing


Date of Publication:2024-05-17

Journal:Journal of Materials Research and Technology


Page Number:1929-1938

ISSN No.:2238-7854

Key Words:Anti-peel property; Austenitic stainless steel; Corrosion property; Corrosive effects; 'current; Dissimilar metal laser welding; Dissimilar metals; Filler metals; Fillers; Filler wire; Fracture; Local fractures; Microstructure; Microstructure and properties; Ni based alloy; Nickel alloys; Property; Pumping (laser); Unmixed zone; Welds; Wire

Pre One:Phase transformation behavior and mechanical properties of NiTi shape memory alloys fabricated by directed laser deposition

Next One:Microstructure and properties of laser welding Ni-based alloy/austenitic stainless steel with filler wire for nuclear reactor pump can end sealing