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Paper Publications
WU Dongjiang
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Professor Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Paper Publications
[1]戴智弘, 苗秋玉, WU Dongjiang.Data simulation of the impact of ball strikes on the bottom of electric vehicle battery packs bas...[J],2024,53
[2]于学鑫, 冯啸, WU Dongjiang, Zhou, Cong, Zhang, Bi, zhanghuanyue, baiqian, Ma Guangyi, Niu Fangyong.One-step additive manufacturing of melt-growth porous ceramics by laser directed energy depositio...[J],JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY,2024,44(15)
[3]李云飞, 徐铭泽, Niu Fangyong, WU Dongjiang, Hao, Yunbo, Zhao, Kai, Yu, Chengshui, Zheng, Jianchao, baiqian, Ma Guangyi.Influence of synchronous-hammer-forging intervention temperature on the microstructure and proper...[J],MATERIALS LETTERS,2024,372
[4]Ma Guangyi, 宋晨晨, 隋江浩, Zhang, Ziao, Niu Fangyong, WU Dongjiang.Interface formation mechanism and mechanical properties analysis of W/ Ti6Al4V composites prepare...[J],MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING,2024,909
[5]宋晨晨, 邸腾达, WU Dongjiang, Xu, Gang, Zhang, Ziao, Wang, Daye, Niu Fangyong, Ma Guangyi, Liu, Liu.Intermetallic phases transition mechanism of the interface of Ti6Al4V-Inconel718 graded material ...[J],MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION,2024,215
[6]Niu Fangyong, 李璐, 徐铭泽, WU Dongjiang, Li, Cunxu, Hao, Yunbo, Zhao, Kai, zhanghuanyue, Liu, Guoping, Ma Guangyi.Microstructure and mechanical properties of hammer-forging assisted wire-arc directed energy depo...[J],Virtual and Physical Prototyping,2024,19(1)
[7]Ma Guangyi, 邸腾达, 严新锐, Hu, Yan, Zhang, Liang, Niu Fangyong, WU Dongjiang.Phase transformation behavior and mechanical properties of NiTi shape memory alloys fabricated by...,2024,908
[8]Cheng, Bo, Huang, Xufu, Zhang, Mingjun, Mao, Cong, WU Dongjiang, Zhou, Dianwu, Ma Guangyi, Tang, Kun, Luo, Bin.Microstructure and properties of laser welding Ni-based alloy/austenitic stainless steel with fil...[J],Journal of Materials Research and Technology,2024,30:1929-1938
[9]Cheng, Bo, Huang, Xufu, Zhang, Mingjun, Mao, Cong, WU Dongjiang, Zhou, Dianwu, Ma Guangyi, Tang, Kun, Luo, Bin.Microstructure and properties of laser welding Ni-based alloy/austenitic stainless steel with fil...[J],Journal of Materials Research and Technology,2024,30:1929-1938
[10]WU Dongjiang, 蔡昕彤, 李正, Dong Zhigang, Ma Guangyi, Bao Yan, Renke Kang, Niu Fangyong.Cf/C-SiC 烧蚀行为及激光复合超声磨削可行性研究[J],Surface Technology,2024,53(4):162-174
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