Guanglei Wu received his PhD in mechanical engineering on the topic of parallel robotics from Aalborg University, Denmark, 2013. He was granted an industrial project by Innovation Fund Denmark and worked as a postdoc fellow in Aalborg University from 2014 to 2016. He was a visiting scholar in the Research Institute in Communications and Cybernetics of Nantes (IRCCyN, the former LS2N) in 2012. From 08/2016, he is an associate professor in Dalian University of Technology. He was the awardee of the Asian MMS 2016 & CCMMS 2016. From 01/2018, Dr. Guanglei Wu was awarded the "Xinghai 1000 Youth Talents" plan. His research interests include conceptual design of robots, performance evaluation of parallel mechanisms, design optimization and industrial robots. He is the referee of a number of international journals and conferences in the fields of mechanisms and robots.