Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:1981-12-31
Page Number:66-72
ISSN No.:1000-8608
Key Words:引发剂;反应级数;聚合物;大分子化合物;单体浓度;活性链端;丁二烯聚合;微观结构;环烷烃;环己烷;动力学;
Abstract:The kineics of polymerization of butadiene wiht n-buLi as initiator in cyclohexane was investigated under high vacuum with dilatometer and the microstuctures of polymer were determined by infrared spectroscopy.A relationship between the component rate of propagation of different structure units and concentration of initiator is obtained by comparing the data of kin- etics and microstructure.The following mechanism of propagation is propos- ed:The tetramer,dimer and monomer of active chain ends are in equili