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Stark broadening measurement of the electron density in an atmospheric pressure argon plasma jet with double-power electrodes


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2010-03-15


Included Journals:SCIE、EI



ISSN No.:0021-8979

Key Words:argon; discharges (electric); plasma density; plasma diagnostics; plasma jets; plasma temperature; spectral line broadening

Abstract:Characteristics of a double-power electrode dielectric barrier discharge of an argon plasma jet generated at the atmospheric pressure are investigated in this paper. Time-averaged optical emission spectroscopy is used to measure the plasma parameters, of which the excitation electron temperature is determined by the Boltzmann's plot method whereas the gas temperature is estimated using a fiber thermometer. Furthermore, the Stark broadening of the hydrogen Balmer H(beta) line is applied to measure the electron density, and the simultaneous presence of comparable Doppler, van der Waals, and instrumental broadenings is discussed. Besides, properties of the jet discharge are also studied by electrical diagnosis. It has been found that the electron densities in this argon plasma jet are on the order of 10(14) cm(-3), and the excitation temperature, gas temperature, and electron density increase with the applied voltage. On the other hand, these parameters are inversely proportional to the argon gas flow rate.

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