Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2020-06-01
Included Journals:SCIE
Page Number:7-9
ISSN No.:0749-0208
Key Words:Construction engineering; cost analysis; coastal engineering project
Abstract:The traditional cost analysis method of construction engineering has low operation efficiency and poor convergence performance, which leads to inaccurate cost analysis. With the increasingly fierce competition in the construction market, construction enterprises must strengthen the control and management of project costs in terms of systems and measures in order to continuously find profit space in low-cost and low-profit projects. Due to the complexity of the construction process and the uncertainty of many influencing factors, it is difficult to formulate a scientific cost control strategy, predict the degree of influence of various cost factors and reveal the correlation between them and the total cost before construction. Construction cost management of engineering project is the most concerned topic in coastal engineering project, and also the basis and key point of cost control of coastal engineering project. In order to judge the importance of cost factors and find the relationship between cost factors in coastal engineering projects so as to realize scientific cost control decision-making, it is necessary to objectively judge the main influencing factors of cost based on as many cost data as possible.