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- [21]Liu H.-J., Liu X.-B., Liu, H.-J., Faculty of Management & Economics, Dalian University of TechnologyChina, email: liuhj@portsoft.cn.Relationship between Paternalistic Leadership and Employee’s Voice Behavior Based on Regression ...[J],Journal?of?Discrete?Mathematical?Sciences?and?Cryptography,2017,20(1):205-215
- [22]Tangsupwattana, Wanrudee, Liu, Xiaobing, XB (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Dept Business Management, Dalian, Peoples R China..Symbolic consumption and Generation Y consumers: evidence from Thailand[J],ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MARKETING AND LOGISTICS,2017,29(5):917-932
- [23]Liu, H., X..A Novel Research on the Influence of Enterprise Culture on Internal Control in big Data and Inter...[J],Mobile Networks and Applications,2017,1-10
- [24]刘海军, 刘晓冰."互联网+"时代企业文化建设与内部控制关系[J],企业管理,2016,12:115-116
- [25]唐献康, 刘晓冰, 薛方红, 王万雷.轨道交通网络控制系统RAMS指标管理体系构建研究[J],项目管理技术,2016,14(9):70-75
- [26]于上媛, 刘晓冰, 薛方红.基于灰色层次分析法的船舶修理项目优先级评价研究[J],项目管理技术,2016,14(7):122-128
- [27]李占丞, 刘晓冰, 薄洪光.面向生产调度的订货量分配问题研究[J],工业工程与管理,2016,21(2):32-40
- [28]刘海军, 刘晓冰.基于“双内控”型企业文化的采购管理研究[J],企业管理,2016,1:119-123
- [29]刘晓冰, 薄洪光.Research on xBOM model for supporting poduct collaborative innovation[A],2016,49:819-823
- [30]Liu X., Xu Z., Bai C., Liu, X., Faculty of Management, Economics, Dalian University of Technology, Linggong Street 2#, China, email: xbliu@dlut.edu.cn.Drivers' evaluation to implement green marketing practices in automobile industry of China[J],International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations,2016,16(4):362-376
- [31]Ran, Ai-jing, Liu, Xiao-bing, Wang, Xiao-yun.Personality Trait and Context: An Investigation of Expatriate Adjustment[A],2016,971-980
- [32]刘晓冰, 薄洪光.integrated BOM model oriented to manufacuring process of complex product[A],2016,963-968
- [33]刘晓冰.Traditional Street Food Transition to Modern Fast Food In Relation to Supply Chain & Government M...[A],2016
- [34]Jiang, Meng-yuan, Liu, Xiao-bing, Yu, Shang-yuan, Scheibler, J..Research on WBS-CBS Model for Single-Ship Repair Projects[A],2016,679-690
- [35]Lin, Lin, Liu, Xiaobing, Mu, Wei, Bo, Hongguang, Xue, Dongjuan.Integrated BOM model oriented to manufacturing process of complex product[A],2016,73:963-968
- [36]Yi-ying, A. Zhang, Xiao-Bing, Liu, Wei, B. Mu, Hong-guang, C. Bo.Research on xBOM model for supporting product collaborative innovation[A],2016,49:819-823
- [37]刘晓冰, 周春柳.基于价值流的复杂装备精益改善研究--以某机车车辆柴油机公司连杆加工为例[J],工业工程与管理,2015,6:137-144,151
- [38]赵鹏, 刘晓冰.知识型团队领导-成员交换关系差异对工作嵌入的影响:成员公平感的中介效应[J],科技与管理,2015,17(5):115-120
- [39]Zhao P., Liu X.B..The relationship between differentiation in LMX and job embeddedness in knowledge teams: The medi...[A],2015,154-161
- [40]刘晓冰, 黄明, 宁涛, 焦璇.用混合量子算法求解模糊柔性作业车间调度问题[J],工业工程与管理,2015,20(3):8-13