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Paper Publications
Liu Tianqing
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Professor Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Paper Publications
[61]宋克东, 刘天庆.The Functions and Characteristics of Hematopoietic Stem/Progenitor Cells Derived From Umbilical C...[J],Clin Oncol.,2016,1(1):1082-1084
[62]宋克东, 刘天庆.Preparation And Biocompatibility Assay Of A Novel Thermosensitive Glass Microcarrier With A Modif...[A],2016
[63]刘天庆, 李香琴.Mechanism study on transition of Cassie droplets to Wenzel state through meniscus touching substr...[A],2016
[64]刘天庆, 李香琴.Investigation of Evaporation Process of Water Droplet on Different Material Surfaces[A],2016
[65]宋克东, 李香琴, 刘天庆.Numerical simulation of fluid flow and cell expansion in large scale inside a novel bioreactor[A],2016
[66]Zhang, Wei, Yuan, Chuanjun, Hua, Ruinian, Liu, Tianqing, Song, Kedong, Yu, Jicheng, Tang, Dongxin, Gao, Ye, Chen, Baojiu, RN (reprint author), Dalian Nationalities Univ, Coll Life Sci, Dalian 116600, Peoples R China., Liu, TQ (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Stem Cell & Tissue Engn Lab, Dalian 116023.Preparation, Energy Transfer Characteristics and Colorimetric Properties of Na2Dy4(WO4)(7):Eu3+...[J],JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY,2016,16(1):822-827
[67]Song, Kedong, Yang, Yanfei, Wu, Shuang, Zhang, Yu, Feng, Shihao, Wang, Hong, Yiwei, Ling, Liu, Tianqing, KD (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Dalian R&D Ctr Stem Cell & Tissue Engn, State Key Lab Fine Chem, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..In vitro culture and harvest of BMMSCs on the surface of a novel thermosensitive glass microcar...[J],MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS,2016,58:324-330
[68]Song, Kedong, Jiang, Siyu, Tian, Jiaxin, Jiao, Zeren, Wang, Yiwei, Zhao, Jiaquan, Liu, Tianqing.Design and numerical simulation of an immnuunoisolation perfusion co-culture bioreactor for exp...[A],2016,88:2021-2026
[69]Li, Xiang-Qin, Song, Ke-Dong, Liu, Tian-Qing.Growth and Metabolism of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells within Collagen Scaffolds in a Nove...[A],2016,296-304
[70]张钰, 李芃松, 宋克东, 刘天庆.Design, Implementation and Assessment of a Novel Intermittent Controllable Bioreactor for Supplyi...[J],American Journal of Engineering, Technology and Society,2016,3(3):14-19
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