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联系方式:qyzhang@dlut.edu.cn 0411-84707930 转 13
- [41]董闯, 张庆瑜.Ultrafast Atomic Layer-by-Layer Oxygen Vacancy-Exchange Diffusion in Double-Perovskite LnBaCo2O5....[J],Scientific Reports,2014,4(1):1-4
- [42]张庆瑜.N 在Zn1-xBexO 合金中热力学稳定性的第一性原理研究[J],人工晶体学报,2014,43(11):2732-2737
- [43]Ma, Chunrui, Liu, Ming, Chen, Chonglin, Lin, Yuan, Zhang, Qingyu, Li, Yanrong, Horwitz, J. S., Jiang, Jiechao, Meletis, E. I., CL (reprint author), Univ Texas San Antonio, Dept Phys & Astron, San Antonio, TX 78249 USA..The Origin of Local Strain in Highly Epitaxial Oxide Thin Films[J],SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2013,3
- [44]Ma, C. Y., Wang, W. J., J., Miao, Li, S. L., Zhang, Q. Y., CY (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Minist Educ, Key Lab Mat Modificat Laser Ion & Electron Beams, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Structural, morphological, optical and photoluminescence properties of HfO2 thin films[J],THIN SOLID FILMS,2013,545:279-284
- [45]Ma, C. Y., Wang, W. J., J., Miao, Li, S. L., Zhang, Q. Y., CY (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Minist Educ, Key Lab Mat Modificat Laser Ion & Electron Beams, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..RETRACTED: Structural, morphological, optical and photoluminescence properties of HfO2 thin fil...[J],THIN SOLID FILMS,2013,545:279-284
- [46]Li, Xiangnan, Jiang, Xuening, Xu, Hongxia, Qiuli, Lei, Shi, Yuchao, Zhang, Qingyu, XN (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Key Lab Mat Modificat Laser Ion & Electron Beams, Minist Educ, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Scandium-doped PrBaCo2-xScxO6-delta oxides as cathode material for intermediate-temperature sol...[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2013,38(27):12035-12042
- [47]濮春英, 周大伟, 宋金璠, 张庆瑜.纤锌矿Zn1-xCuxO合金的电子结构及相结构稳定性的第一性原理研究[J],低温物理学报,2013,38(3):175-182
- [48]姜雪宁, 张庆瑜.Structure and properties of layered-perovskite LaBa1-xCo2O5+δ (x=0-0.15) as intermediate-tempera...[J],Journal of Power Sources,2013,240(15):54-59
- [49]姜雪宁, 张庆瑜.Fabrication of GdBaCo2O5+δ cathode using electrospun composite nanofibers and its improved elect...[J],Journal of alloys and compounds,2013,557(25):184-189
- [50]濮春英, 王卓, 张庆瑜, 李春萍, 周大伟.纤锌矿Zn1-xMgxO合金相结构稳定性的第一性原理研究[J],中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学,2013,43(8):941-947
- [51]Ma, C. Y., Wang, W. J., Li, S. L., Miao, Zhang, Q. Y., CY (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Phys & Optoelect Technol, Key Lab Mat Modificat Laser Ion & Electron Beams, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Multifractal, structural, and optical properties of Mn-doped ZnO films[J],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2012,261:231-236
- [52]Yan, C., Zhang, Q. Y., C (reprint author), Nanchang Hangkong Univ, Minist Educ, Sch Measuring & Opt Engn, Key Lab Nondestruct Testing, Nanchang 330063, Peoples R China..Study on low-energy sputtering near the threshold energy by molecular dynamics simulations[J],AIP ADVANCES,2012,2(3)
- [53]马春雨, 苗春雨, 李树林, 王文娟, 张庆瑜, Ma, C.-Y..反应射频磁控溅射法制备HfTaO薄膜的热稳定性和光学性能[J],功能材料,2012,43(10):1268-1272
- [54]刁云超, 姜妍彦, 张庆瑜, 刘楠, 王承遇.镀膜浮法玻璃的风化性能[J],材料科学与工程学报,2012,30(1):128-131
- [55]Pu Chun-Ying, Li Hong-Jing, Tang Xin, Zhang Qing-Yu, Pu, CY (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Key Lab Mat Modificat Laser Ion & Electron Beams, Sch Phys & Optoelect Technol, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Optical properties of N-doped Cu2O films and relevant analysis with first-principles calculatio...[J],ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,2012,61(4)
- [56]濮春英, 李洪婧, 张庆瑜, 唐鑫.N掺杂Cu_2O薄膜的光学性质及第一性原理分析[J],物理学报,2012,61(4):380-385
- [57]Pang, S. L., Jiang, X. N., Li, Wang, Q., Zhang, Q. Y., XN (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Key Lab Mat Modificat Laser Ion & Electron Beams, Minist Educ, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Structural stability and high-temperature electrical properties of cation-ordered/disordered pe...[J],MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS,2012,131(3):642-646
- [58]张庆瑜.PuO2 Σ5对称晶界附近氧的自扩散行为[J],原子能科学技术,2012,46(5):1409-1415
- [59]张庆瑜.N掺杂Cu2O薄膜的光学性质及第一性原理分析[J],物理学报,2012,61(4):47104-47104
- [60]姜雪宁, 张庆瑜.Highly enhanced electrochemical performance of PrBa0.92Co2O5Dd cathode by introducing Ba cationic...[J],International journal of hydrogen energy,2012,37(8):3998-4001