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Paper Publications
Zhang, Li-Wei, Ren, Yong-Hong, Wu, Yue, Xiao, Xian-Tao, LW (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Dept Appl Math, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..A class of nonlinear Lagrangians: Theory and algorithm[J],ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH,2008,25(3):327-371
Sun, Shaoyan, Guo, Chonghui, Zhang, Liwei, Chen, Lei.MI-based robust image registration using a novel histogram estimation scheme[A],2008,2557-2560
于洪霞, 张绍武, 张立卫, Yu, H.-X..二维装箱问题非线性规划模型和算法[J],大连理工大学学报,2008,48(2):308-312
Liu, Yong-Jin, Zhang, Li-Wei, YJ (reprint author), Shenyang Inst Aeronaut Engn, Dept Sci, Shenyang 110136, Peoples R China..On the approximate augmented Lagrangian for nonlinear symmetric cone programming[J],NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS & APPLICATIONS,2008,68(5):1210-1225
Liu, Y.J., Zhang, L.W..Convergence of the augmented Lagrangian method for nonlinear optimization problems over second-order cones[J],Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,2008,139(3):557-575
张立卫.On the convergence of the augmented Lagrangian method for nonlinear optimization problems over second-order cones[J],Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,2008,139(2):557-575
Wang, Yun, Zhang, Shaowu, Liwei, Y (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Dept Appl Math, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..A note on convergence analysis of an SQP-type method for nonlinear semidefinite programming[J],JOURNAL OF INEQUALITIES AND APPLICATIONS,2008
刘勇进, 张立卫, 刘梅娇.求解非凸半定规划的一个非线性Lagrange算法及其收敛性分析[J],运筹学学报,2007,11(4):5-14
张忠元, 张立卫.一个共轭梯度方法全局收敛性的判别准则[J],经济数学,2007,24(3):307-314
刘勇进, 张立卫, 王银河.线性二阶锥规划的一个光滑化方法及其收敛性[J],数学进展,2007,36(4):491-502
张立卫, LI Yang, JIN Li, ZHANG Liwei.一个解决线性互补问题的新型神经网络[J],数学研究与评论,2007,27(3):539-546
金丽, 肖现涛, 张立卫.求解约束优化问题的两个微分方程算法[J],运筹学学报,2007,11(2):73-82
金丽, 张立卫, 肖现涛.一个求解约束非线性优化问题的微分方程方法[J],计算数学,2007,29(2):163-176
宋春玲, 夏尊铨, 张立卫.拟微分映射的Demyanov和的上半连续性的一个注记[J],运筹学学报,2007,11(1):33-38
张宏伟, 张立卫, 夏尊铨.Differentials Generalized Quasi-Differentiable Functions[J],运筹学报,2007,11(2):17-29
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