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Paper Publications
张立卫.A note on convergence analysis of an SQP-type method for nonlinear semidefinite programming[J],Journal of Inequalities and Applicationsdoi:10.1155/2008/218345,2007,5(2):1-10
Sun, Juhe, Zhang, Shaowu, Liwei, JH (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Dept Appl Math, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..An algorithm based on resolvant operators for solving positively semidefinite variational inequalities[J],FIXED POINT THEORY AND APPLICATIONS,2007
张立卫.A note on the upper semi-continuity of Demyanov sum of quasidifferential mappings[J],OR Transactions,2007,11:33-38
张立卫.Differentials of generalized quasi-differentiable functions[J],OR Transactions,2007,11(2):17-30
张立卫.Convergence analysis of a nonlinear Lagrange algorithm for nonconvex semidefinite programming[J],OR Transactions,2007,11(4):5-14
张立卫.Medical image registration by minimizing divergence measure based on Tsallis entropy[J],International Journal of Biomedical Sciences,2007,2(2):75-80
张宏伟, 夏尊铨, 张立卫.广义拟可微函数的微分[J],运筹学学报,2007,11(2):17-30
张立卫.MI-based image registration using a new histogram estimation scheme[J],International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,2007,37(1):19-28
Ren, Yong-Hong, Zhang, Li-Wei.The dual algorithm based on a class of nonlinear Lagrangians for nonlinear programming[A],2006,1:934-938
Sun, J., Zhang, L. W., Wu, Y., J (reprint author), Natl Univ Singapore, Dept Decis Sci, Kent Ridge, Singapore..Properties of the augmented Lagrangian in nonlinear semidefinite optimization[J],JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS,2006,129(3):437-456
刘勇进, 张立卫.二阶锥互补问题的一类效益函数与全局误差界[J],大连理工大学学报,2006,46(3):449-453
贺素香, 张立卫.非线性约束优化问题的一个修正Lagrangian算法[J],数学物理学报,2006,26(1):49-62
于洪霞, 张宏伟, 张立卫, 夏尊铨.An Optimization Model for the Stri-packing Problem and Its Augmented Lagrangian Method[J],NORTHEAST,MATH.J.,2006,22(4):441-450
Yu, Hong-Xia, Zhang, Li-Wei.A nonlinear programming model for the packing of unequal circles into a square box[A],2006,1044-+
张立卫.A nonlinear programming model for the packing of unequal circles in a square box[A],2006,1044-1047
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