教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
性别: 男
毕业院校: 大连理工大学
学位: 博士
所在单位: 金融与会计研究所
学科: 管理科学与工程. 投资学. 会计学
办公地点: 大连理工大学经济管理学院D座535室
联系方式: 0411-84707374
电子邮箱: chigt@dlut.edu.cn
email : chigt@dlut.edu.cn
办公电话 : 0411-8470 7374
开通时间: ..
最后更新时间: ..
论文类型: 会议论文
发表时间: 2009-12-11
收录刊物: EI、Scopus
摘要: According to the connotation of insisting on human-oriented, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development, this paper constructed the comprehensive Human All-Round Development evaluation indicator system. It used Gini Coefficient method to determine the weights of indicators, applied the TOPSIS method to establish the comprehensive evaluation model of Human All-Round Development, lastly analyzed the development of Chinese Human All-Round Development from 2001 to 2007. The contribution characteristics lie on two aspects. Firstly, through the evaluation of six areas such as the quality of life and economic environment, the indicator system was able to reflect the harmony between humans and nature, humans and humans, humans and society. Secondly, determining the weights of indicators by Gini Coefficient method and using the TOPSIS to evaluate the human All-Round development could reflect its own characteristics and indicator data expertise. ?2009 IEEE.