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- [1]刘晓冰, Sun, Yongli, 郝应光, 贾旭.Research on group-oriented enterprises resource planning: A solution to multiregional, heteroge...[A],6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation,2022,2:7186-7190
- [2]Zhu, Xiao-Lin, 郝应光, 王洪玉.Research on Infrared and Visible Images Registration Algorithm Based on Graph[A],2017 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (IST 2017),2022,11
- [3]Yuan, Hui, 郝应光, 刘军民.Research on Multi-sensor Image Matching Algorithm Based on Improved Line Segments Feature[A],2017 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (IST 2017),2022,11
- [4]刘晓冰, Sun, Yongli, 郝应光, Qiu, Lipeng.Research on solution and application of extensive systems integration for group enterprises[A],6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation,2022,2:6869-6873
- [5]Tian, Jing, 宋丹, 郝应光, Yin, Weiwei, 李瑞, Han, Ke.RX infrared small target detection algorithm based on multi-scale local strength and gradient fus...[A],Proceedings of 2021 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Computer Applications, ICPECA 2021,2022,691-696
- [6]yaoyao, 郝应光, 王洪玉.Small Infrared Target Detection Based on Spatio-temporal Fusion Saliency[A],2017 17TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICCT 2017),2022,1497-1502
- [7]Yao, Yao, 郝应光, 王洪玉.Small infrared target detection based on spatio-temporal fusion saliency[A],17th IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology, ICCT 2017,2022,2017-October:1497-1502
- [8]王文冬, 郝应光.基于MSR的Ad Hoc网络多径路由算法[A],中国电子学会第十四届信息论学术年会暨2007年港澳内地信息论学术研讨会,2022,540-543
- [9]郝应光, 韩雪, 刘晓冰.基于SCM的钢铁企业采购管理流程优化研究[A],中国钢铁节能环保与自动化会议暨第十一届全国自动化应用技术学术交流会,2022,Vol.30:202-206
- [10]郝应光, 王加强, 刘晓冰.基于价值链的钢铁企业物料采购策略研究[J],组合机床与自动化加工技术,2022,7:8-9,18
- [11]孙伟光, 郝应光.基于地标几何特征的无人直升机自主降落[J],计算机应用,2022,1:179-181
- [12]Zhang, Zhiqiang, Wang, Yangyang, He, Yao, Hongyu, 郝应光.Hierarchical Image Fine-Grained classification via Hierarchical Feature Mining and Filtering[A],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2024,7-14
- [13]朱叶, 郝应光, 王洪玉.基于深度学习的红外视频显著性目标检测[J],计算机科学,2024,50(9):227-234
- [14]韩越, 林秋华, Kuang, Li-Dan, 郝应光, Li, Wei-Xing, 龚晓峰, Calhoun, Vince D..Extraction of One Time Point Dynamic Group Features via Tucker Decomposition of Multi-subject FMR...[A],Communications in Computer and Information Science,2024,1963 CCIS:518-527
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- [16]Cai, Furong, Wang, Ye, 郝应光, 王洪玉, Tianlu, Zheng.Prognostic Survival Prediction Model of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Based on Multimodal Feature Fu...[A],ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2024,450-455
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- [18]Zhang, Ce, Lin, Qiu-Hua, Chao-Ying, Hao, Ying-Guang, Gong, Xiao-Feng, Cong, Fengyu, Calhoun, Vince D..Comparison of Functional Network Connectivity and Granger Causality for Resting State fMRI Data[A],2017,10262:559-566
- [19]Yuan, Hui, Hao, Ying-Guang, Liu, Jun-Min.Research on Multi-sensor Image Matching Algorithm Based on Improved Line Segments Feature[A],2017,11
- [20]Zhu, Xiao-Lin, Hao, Ying-Guang, Wang, Hong-Yu.Research on Infrared and Visible Images Registration Algorithm Based on Graph[A],2017,11