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- 刘晓冰, Sun, Yongli, 郝应光, Qiu, Lipeng.Research on solution and application of extensive systems integration for group enterprises[A],6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation,2022,2:6869-6873
- Tian, Jing, 宋丹, 郝应光, Yin, Weiwei, 李瑞, Han, Ke.RX infrared small target detection algorithm based on multi-scale local strength and gradient fusion[A],Proceedings of 2021 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Computer Applications, ICPECA 2021,2022,691-696
- yaoyao, 郝应光, 王洪玉.Small Infrared Target Detection Based on Spatio-temporal Fusion Saliency[A],2017 17TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICCT 2017),2022,1497-1502
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