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- [1]吴海帆, 冯刚, 孙铁兵, 屈福政.On the Design of the Novel Pneumatic Power Assisted Lower Limb for Outdoor Walking[A],Proceedings of the 7th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power,2022,771-774
- [2]吴海帆.Design and control of a novel parallel pneumatic weight bearing walking assist robot[A],Proceedings of the 9th international conference on frontiers of design and manufacturing,2022
- [3]吴海帆, 李腾, 周桢.Development and testing of a novel parallel pneumatic partial weight bearing walking assist robot[A],The 4th joint sysposium on mechanical and materials engineering between northeastern university,Dalian university of technology and tottori university,2022,173-176
- [4]吴海帆, Kitagawa, A., Tsukagoshi, H., Park, S-H.Development and testing of a novel portable pneumatic power source using phase transition at th...[J],PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART C JOURNAL OF ME,2022,223(6):1425-1432
- [5]Huang, HZ, Yao, XS, 吴海帆, 郭东明.Expert system for safety assessment of tower crane based on modern design methodology[A],2nd International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology (2000 ISSST),2022,2:419-424
- [6]吴海帆, Kitagawa, Ato, Tsukagosh, Hideyuki, Park, Sung-Hwan.A novel portable pneumatic power source using phase transition at the triple point[A],International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics,2022,567-572
- [7]北川能, 吴海帆, 塚越秀行, 朴聖焕.三重点における相変化を利用した携帯空圧源の開発[J],日本フルードパワーシステム学会論文集,2005,36(6):16-22
- [8]fenggang, 吴海帆, 宋甲宗, 王安琦.卸船机抓斗有控摆动的策略及运动分析[J],起重运输机械,2001,12:14-17
- [9]吴海帆.可穿戴式气动并联减重步行助力机器人的研究[A],2012中国国际康复医学工程大会,2012,150-154
- [10]吴海帆.可穿戴式气动并联减重步行助力机器人的研究[J],世界康复工程与器械,2013,3(1):47-50
- [11]吴海帆.可穿戴气动减重步行助力机器人的开发及仿真[A],第二届康复医学工程国际会议,2013
- [12]吴海帆.可穿戴气动助力衣服的开发与实验研究[A],第四届上海国际康复医学与工程大会,2015,214-217
- [13]吴海帆.可穿戴气动搬运助力机器人的研究[A],第四届上海国际康复医学与工程大会,2015
- [14]朱林剑, 吴海帆, 包海涛.基于实时评测的自适应步行康复训练模式研究[J],世界康复工程与器械,2011,1(1):70-73
- [15]宋甲宗, 吴海帆, 冯刚.大型卷筒的解析计算方法[J],起重运输机械,2022,2:10-13
- [16]吴海帆, 朱林剑, 胡聪英, 刘文俊.并联气动减重步行支援机器人的研究[A],第七届全国康复医学工程与康复工程学术研讨会,2022,106-110
- [17]吴海帆.Development of a novel parallel pneumatic weight bearing walking assist robot[A],8th JFPS international symposium on fluid power,2011,38-42
- [18]吴海帆, Kitagawa, Ato, Tsukagoshi, Hideyuki, Liu, Canghai.Development of a novel pneumatic power assisted lower limb for outdoor walking by the use of a ...[A],IEEE Conference on Control Applications,2007,930-+
- [19]吴海帆, Zhou, Zhen, 张先.Development of a Novel Portable Pneumatic Power Source for a Pneumatic Wearable Walking Assist ...[A],11th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation,2014,3273-3276
- [20]吴海帆.Development of a Novel Portable Pneumatic Power Source Using Solid Gas Phase Transition[A],8th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing,2008