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个人信息Personal Information
- 吴海帆, 冯刚, 孙铁兵, 屈福政.On the Design of the Novel Pneumatic Power Assisted Lower Limb for Outdoor Walking[A],Proceedings of the 7th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power,2022,771-774
- 吴海帆.Design and control of a novel parallel pneumatic weight bearing walking assist robot[A],Proceedings of the 9th international conference on frontiers of design and manufacturing,2022
- 吴海帆, 李腾, 周桢.Development and testing of a novel parallel pneumatic partial weight bearing walking assist robot[A],The 4th joint sysposium on mechanical and materials engineering between northeastern university,Dalian university of technology and tottori university,2022,173-176
- 吴海帆, Kitagawa, A., Tsukagoshi, H., Park, S-H.Development and testing of a novel portable pneumatic power source using phase transition at the triple point[J],PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART C JOURNAL OF ME,2022,223(6):1425-1432
- Huang, HZ, Yao, XS, 吴海帆, 郭东明.Expert system for safety assessment of tower crane based on modern design methodology[A],2nd International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology (2000 ISSST),2022,2:419-424
- 吴海帆, Kitagawa, Ato, Tsukagosh, Hideyuki, Park, Sung-Hwan.A novel portable pneumatic power source using phase transition at the triple point[A],International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics,2022,567-572
- 医用球囊成型模具的研制, 企事业单位委托科技项目, 2020/07/24-2021/12/20, 结题
- 药物洗脱球囊成型模具的研制, 企事业单位委托科技项目, 2021/04/28-2022/11/24, 结题
- 养羊基地智能喂养机器人开发项目, 自选课题, 2023/03/28, 在研
- 双管非金属弹壳成型方法及工艺研发, 企事业单位委托科技项目, 2021/03/12, 在研
- 特种用途高出力电磁机构有限元设计和工程化研究, 企事业单位委托科技项目, 2018/01/13-2023/07/14, 结题
- 便携式空压源和气动步行助力肢的开发, 主管部门科技项目, 2008/01/01-2010/09/01, 结题