- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:大连理工大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:土木工程系
- 学科:岩土工程
- 办公地点:综合实验一号楼211
- 联系方式:0411-84708511-807
- 电子邮箱:tanghx@dlut.edu.cn
[1] Tang, Hongxiang, Song, Rui, Dong, Yan, Xiaoyu, HX (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Coastal & Offshore Engn, Dalian 116023, Peoples R China..Measurement of Restitution and Friction Coefficients for Granular Particles and Discrete Element S[J],MATERIALS,2019,12(19)
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[5] Tang, Hongxiang, Wei, Wencheng, Liu, Feng, Chen, Guoqing, HX (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Coastal & Offshore Engn, Dalian 116023, Peoples R China., Chen, GQ (reprint author), Chengdu Univ Technol, State Key Lab Geohazard Prevent & Geoenvironm Pro, Chengdu 610059, Sichuan.Elastoplastic Cosserat continuum model considering strength anisotropy and its application to the [J],COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS,2020,117
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[9] 唐洪祥, 李锡夔, Tang, H.-X.(tangyugege@163.com).饱和多孔介质中动力渗流耦合分析的Biot-Cosserat连续体模型与应变局部化有限元模拟[J],工程力学,2007,24(9):8-13,18
[10] Tang, Hongxiang, Sun, Fabing, Zhang, Yipeng, Dong, Yan, HX (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Coastal & Offshore Engn, Dalian 116023, Peoples R China..Elastoplastic axisymmetric Cosserat continua and modelling of strain localization[J],COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS,2018,101:159-167
[11] Tang, Hongxiang, Du, Tao, Zhang, Lijuan, Shao, Longtan, HX (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Coastal & Offshore Engn, Dalian 116023, Peoples R China..A plane strain testing apparatus characterized by flexible loading and noncontact deformation meas[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS,2018,14(9)
[12] Tang, Hongxiang, Dong, Yan, Wang, Ting, Yifeng, HX (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Coastal & Offshore Engn, Dalian 116023, Peoples R China., Tang, Chengdu Univ Technol, State Key Lab Geohazard Prevent & Geoenvironm Pro, Chengdu 610059, Sichuan.Simulation of strain localization with discrete element-Cosserat continuum finite element two scal[J],JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF SOLIDS,2019,122:450-471
[13] Tang, Hong-Xiang, Hu, Zhao-Long, HX (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Coastal & Offshore Engn, Linggong Rd 2, Dalian 116023, Peoples R China..Application of the Cosserat continua to numerical studies on the properties of the materials[J],MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES,2017,24(10):797-808
[14] Tang, Hongxiang, Zhang, Xing, Ji, Shunying, HX (reprint author), 2 Linggong Rd, Dalian 116024, Liaoning Provin, Peoples R China..Discrete element analysis for shear band modes of granular materials in triaxial tests[J],PARTICULATE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2017,35(3):277-290
[15] Tang, Hongxiang, Guan, Yuhui, Zhang, Xue, Zou, Degao, HX (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Coastal & Offshore Engn, Dalian, Peoples R China..Low-order mixed finite element analysis of progressive failure in pressure-dependent materials wit[J],ENGINEERING COMPUTATIONS,2017,34(2):251-271
[16] 王婷, 唐洪祥.砂土试样剪切带发展过程分析[J],水利与建筑工程学报,2016,14(4):102-106,134
[17] Tang, Hongxiang, Dong, Yifeng, Chu, Xihua, Zhang, Xing, HX (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Coastal & Offshore Engn, Dalian 116023, Peoples R China..The influence of particle rolling and imperfections on the formation of shear bands in granular ma[J],GRANULAR MATTER,2016,18(1):1-12
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[19] Sun, Xiang, Guo, Xiaoxia, Shao, Longtan, Tang, Hongxiang, X (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dalian 116024, Liaoning, Peoples R China..A thermodynamics-based critical state constitutive model for methane hydrate bearing sediment[J],JOURNAL OF NATURAL GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2015,27:1024-1034
[20] 唐洪祥, 张丽娟.平面应变试验与常规三轴试验条件下含细粒土砂力学特性比较研究[J],水利与建筑工程学报,2015,5:223-227