1. 应变局部化理论、实验与数值分析; 2.岩土体宏细观两尺度数值模拟; 3.大变形有限元数值定分析。
1. 唐洪祥, 李锡夔. 岩土体应变局部化的Cosserat连续体理论与数值分析(大连市人民政府学术出版基金资助), 北京: 科学出版社,2018.
1. Wencheng Wei, Hongxiang Tang,* Xiaoyu Song, Xiangji Ye. 3D slope stability analysis considering strength anisotropy by a micro-structure tensor enhanced elasto-plastic finite element method. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, online
2. Feng Zhu, Hongxiang Tang*, Degao Zou, Xue Zhang, Yonghui Li. A novel hybrid hydraulic fracturing phase-field model for porous media. Engineering Geology, 2025, 347: 107932.
3. Wencheng Wei, Hongxiang Tang, Yang Liu, Haolong Chen. Cosserat model incorporating anisotropy evolution and its application in numerical analysis of strain localization in clay. Acta Geotechnica,2025, 20(1):365–385
4. Feng Liu, Hongxiang Tang, Mohamed A. Shahin, Honghua Zhao, Ali Karrech, Feng Zhu, He Zhou. Multiscale simulation study for mechanical characteristics of coral sand influenced by particle breakage. Powder Technology, 2025, 449: 120387.
5. Tang, H., Xu, B., Wei, W.*, Liu, L., Sun, F. Finite element analysis of large deformation for progressive failure of soil based on Cosserat continuum theory. Computers and Geotechnics. 2025, 177: 106836
6. Yonghui Li, Hongxiang Tang* , Feng zhu, Zhiqiang Hu. An anisotropic elastoplastic strong discontinuity model for shear failure in anisotropic rock masses. Computers and Geotechnics, 2024, 176: 106762.
7. 韦文成,唐洪祥*,刘京茂,邹德高.非线性软化 Cosserat 连续体模型及其在土体应变局部化有限元分析中的应用.岩土工程学报, 2024, 46(12): 2492-2502.
8. Wei, W., Tang, H.*, Song, X. Effects of strength anisotropy and strain softening on soil bearing capacity through a Cosserat nonlocal finite-element method. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2024, 24(5): 04024081.
9. Wei, W., Tang, H.*, Song, X., Zhang, Y., Ye, X. Cosserat FE modeling of the bearing capacity and instability of strip footing on marine-sensitive soils considering heterogeneity and nonlinear softening. Ocean Engineering, 2024, 298: 117120.
10. 宋瑞,唐洪祥,张韬,邹君鹏,来源,张鹏. 基于机器学习的砂土邓肯-张模型参数预测,水利与建筑工程学报,2024,22(1):186-191+226.
11. Feng Zhu , Hongxiang Tang *, Degao Zhou , Yonghui Li. An efffcient adaptive multi-mesh phase-ffeld method for simulating rock fractures. Computers and Geotechnics, 2023, 163: 105765.
12. Yonghui Li, Hongxiang Tang*, Xiaoyu Song, Feng Zhu, Zhiqiang Hu. Regularization analysis of the strong discontinuity-Cosserat finite element method for modeling strain localization in cohesive-frictional materials by spectral theory. Computers and Geotechnics, 2023, 162: 105640.
13. 唐洪祥,崔家铭,张雪,张磊,刘乐天. 岩土体大变形分析的Cosserat-粒子有限元法. 岩土工程学报, 2023, 45(3): 495-502 .
14. Feng Zhu, Hongxiang Tang*, Feng Liu, Xue Zhang. Adaptive fourth-order phase field method for rock fractures using novel refinement criteria and improved data transfer operators. Computers and Geotechnics, 2022, 151: 104987.
15. Hongxiang Tang, Yonghui Li, Zhiqiang Hu, Xiaoyu Song. Numerical simulation of strain localization through an integrated Cosserat continuum theory and strong discontinuity approach. Computers and Geotechnics, 2022, 151: 104951.
16. Feng Zhu, Hongxiang Tang*, Xue Zhang, George Papazafeiropoulos. Fourth-order hybrid phase field analysis with non-equal order elements and dual meshes for simulating crack propagation. Computers and Geotechnics, 2022, 142: 104587.
17. Hongxiang Tang, Wencheng Wei, Xiaoyu Song, Feng Liu. An anisotropic elastoplastic Cosserat continuum model for shear failure in stratified geomaterials. Engineering Geology, 2021, 293: 106304
18. Feng Zhu, Hongxiang Tang, Xue Zhang, Yonghui Li, George Papazafeiropoulos. An isogeometric approach to Biot-Cosserat continuum for simulating dynamic strain localization in saturated soils. Computers and Geotechnics, 2021, 133: 104036.
19. Hongxiang Tang, Feng Zhu, Dixiong Yang, George Papazafeiropoulos. Numerical simulation of strain localization based on Cosserat continuum theory and isogeometric analysis. Computers and Geotechnics, 2021, 129: 103874.
20. Kai Chen, Degao Zou,Hongxiang Tang*, Jingmao Liu, Yue Zhuo. Scaled boundary polygon formula for Cosserat continuum and its verification. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2021, 126: 136-150.
21. Hongxiang Tang, Wencheng Wei, Feng Liu, Guoqing Chen. Elastoplastic Cosserat continuum model considering strength anisotropy and its application to the analysis of slope stability. Computers and Geotechnics, 2020, 117, 103235.
22. Jingjing Meng, Xue Zhang, Jinsong Huang, Hongxiang Tang, Hans Mattsson, Jan Laue. A smoothed finite element method using second-order cone programming. Computers and Geotechnics, 2020, 123: 103547.
23. Hongxiang Tang, Yan Dong, Ting Wang, Yifeng Dong. Simulation of strain localization with discrete element-Cosserat continuum finite element two scale method for granular materials. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2019, 122: 450–471.
24. 唐洪祥, 韦文成, 林荣烽. 考虑强度各向异性的黏性土应变局部化有限元分析. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2019, 38(7): 1485-1497.
25. 唐洪祥, 韦文成. 耦合强度各向异性与应变软化的边坡稳定有限元分析. 岩土力学, 2019, 40(10): 4092-4100.
26. Hongxiang Tang, Rui Song, Yan Dong, Xiaoyu Song. Measurement of Restitution and Friction Coefficients for Granular Particles and Discrete Element Simulation for the Tests of Glass Beads. Materials, 2019, 12(19), 3170.
27. Hongxiang Tang, Fabing Sun, Yipeng Zhang, Yan Dong. Elastoplastic axisymmetric Cosserat continua and modelling of strain localization. Computers and Geotechnics, 2018, 101:159-167.
28. Hongxiang Tang, Tao Du, Lijuan Zhang, Longtan Shao. A plane strain testing apparatus characterized by flexible loading and non-contact deformation measurement and its application to the study of shear band failure of sand. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2018, 14(9): 1-16.
29. Hongxiang Tang, Yuhui Guan, Xue Zhang, Degao Zou. Low-order mixed finite element analysis of progressive failure in pressure-dependent materials within the framework of the Cosserat continua. Engineering Computations, 2017, 34(2): 251 – 271.
30. Hongxiang Tang, Zhaolong Hu. Application of the Cosserat Continua to Numerical Studies on the Properties of the Materials. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2017, 24(10):797-808.
31. Hongxiang Tang, Xing Zhang, Shunying Ji. Discrete element analysis for shear band modes of granular materials in triaxial tests. Particulate Science and Technology, 2017, 35(3): 277-290.
32. Hongxiang Tang, Yifeng Dong, Xihua Chu, Xing Zhang. The Influence of Particle Rolling and Imperfections on the Formation of Shear Bands in Granular Material. Granular Matter, 2016, 18(1): 1-12.
33. Xiang Sun, Xiaoxia Guo, Longtan Shao, Hongxiang Tang. A thermodynamics-based critical state constitutive model for methane hydrate bearing sediment. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2015, 27, 1024-1034.
34. Hongxiang Tang. Cosserat continuum model and its application to the studies of progressive failure.15th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2015.11.
35. Hongxiang Tang, Zhaolong Hu, Xikui Li. Three dimensional pressure-dependent elastoplastic Cosserat continuum model and finite element simulation of strain localization. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2013, 5(3), 1-33.
36. Hu Z. L., Tang H. X.*. A transversely isotropic Cosserat continuum model and its numerical application. Challenges and Recent Advances in Geotechnical and Seismic Research and Practices, Geotechnical Special Publication (ASCE), 541-548, 2013.
37. 唐洪祥, 胡兆龙. 三维Cosserat连续体模型与微结构尺寸相关效应的有限元分析. 计算力学学报, 2013, 30(3): 399-405.
38. 唐洪祥, 管毓辉. 孔口应力集中问题的Cosserat连续体有限元分析. 东南大学学报, 2013, 43(4): 849-855.
39. 唐洪祥, 张兴, 管毓辉. 胡兆龙. 颗粒材料变形破坏与影响因素的细宏观分析. 大连理工大学学报, 2013, 53(4): 543-550.
40. 郑利涛, 胡志强, 唐洪祥. 强间断分析方法在土工结构物渐进破坏过程中的应用. 岩土力学, 2012, 33(9): 2771-2780.
41. Hongxiang Tang, Yuhui Guan. Finite element analysis of stress concentration problems based on Cosserat continuum model. AppliedMechanics and Materials. 2011, 99-100:939-949.(EI)
42. 唐洪祥, 李锡夔. 土工结构物渐近破坏过程的Cosserat连续体有限元分析. 大连理工大学学报. 2010,50(3): 320-327.
43. 武力, 屈福政, 唐洪祥. 土压平衡盾构改性砂土流动特性的离散元模拟. 水文地质工程地质, 2009, 3: 107-110, 116.
44. 唐洪祥, 李锡夔. 基于Cosserat连续体的CAP弹塑性模型与应变局部化有限元模拟. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2008, 27(5): 960-970.
45. 唐洪祥, 李锡夔. Cosserat连续体模型中本构参数对应变局部化模拟结果影响的数值分析. 计算力学学报, 2008, 25(5): 676-681.
46. Tang Hongxiang. Finite element analysis of strain localization problems for slope based on Cosserat continuum model. The 2nd International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering for Disaster Mitigation and Rehabilitation, Nanjing, China, 2008, 572-577.
47. Tang Hongxiang. Analysis for progressive failure of the Senise landslide based on Cosserat continuum model. The 10th International Symposium on Landslides and Engineered Slopes, Xian, China, 2008, 945-950.
48. Hongxiang Tang, Haiqing Wang. Study on the whole stability analysis method for reinforced soft foundation of embankment with geofabric. The 4th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics, Shanghai, China, 2008, 15-19.
49. 唐洪祥, 李锡夔. 地基渐进破坏及极限承载力的Cosserat连续体有限元分析. 岩土力学, 2007, 28(11): 2259-2264.
50. 唐洪祥,李锡夔. 饱和多孔介质中动力渗流耦合分析的Biot-Cosserat连续体模型与应变局部化有限元模拟. 工程力学, 2007, 24(9): 8-13,18.
51. Hongxiang Tang, Xikui Li. Application of Cosserat continuum model to geotechnical engineering. Proceeding of the 4th Asian Joint Symposium on Geotechnical and Geo-Environmental Engineering, Dalian, China, 2006, 317-320.
52. Hongxiang Tang, Haiqing Wang. Sliding resistance mechanism and whole stability analysis for reinforced soft foundation of embankment with geofabric. Proceeding of the 8th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Yokohama, Japan.2006. 1033-1038.
53. Li Xikui, Tang Hongxiang. A consistent return mapping algorithm for pressure-dependent elastoplastic Cosserat continua and modeling of strain localization. Computers and Structures, 2005, 83(1): 1-10.
54. 李锡夔, 唐洪祥. 压力相关弹塑性Cosserat连续体模型与应变局部化有限元模拟. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2005, 24(9):1497-1505.
55. 唐洪祥, 王海清. 土工织物补强路堤软基的阻滑补强作用机理与整体稳定性分析. 岩土力学, 2005, 23(8): 1318-1324.
56. 唐洪祥, 邵龙潭. 地震动力作用下有限元土石坝边坡稳定性分析. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2004, 23(8): 1318-1324.
57. 邵龙潭, 唐洪祥, 韩国城. 有限元边坡稳定分析方法及其应用. 计算力学学报, 2001, 18(1): 81-87.
58. 邵龙潭, 唐洪祥, 孔宪京, 韩国城. 随机地震作用下土石坝边坡的稳定性分析. 水利学报, 1999, (11): 66-71.