Indexed by:会议论文
Date of Publication:2017-08-27
Journal:46th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Taming Noise and Moving Quiet, INTER-NOISE 2017
Included Journals:EI、Scopus
Abstract:This paper is concerned with the problem of obtaining a unique solution for radiation at irregular frequencies when an integral equation of frequency averaged quadratic pressure (FAQP) is used to get robust predictions at medium and high frequencies. The non-uniqueness problem of frequency averaged Helmholtz integral equation of FAQP is solved by two methods. One is a combined energy boundary integral equation formulation (CEBIEF method) by taking the auxiliary equations of the collocation points inside the surface as new constraints of frequency averaged Helmholtz integral equation (FAHIE) of FAQP like CHIEF method in conventional boundary element method. The other one is the Coupling method combining frequency averaged normal derivative Helmholtz integral equation (FANDHIE) of FAQP with FAHIE of FAQP like the Burton and Miller method in conventional boundary element method. The numerical examples are given to demonstrate the versatility of the CEBIEF method and the Coupling method. ? 2017 Institute of Noise Control Engineering. All rights reserved.