Indexed by:会议论文
Date of Publication:2003-11-28
Included Journals:EI
Page Number:174-179
Abstract:The radome is often used to house the airborne scanning radar antennas. The radome's electric thickness, which is dependent on the geometric thickness and the permittivity, may not meet the design requirement after semi-finished machining. It will lead to a large boresight error of the radar antenna. One way to decrease the boresight error induced by radome is to compensate the electric thickness error by modifying the geometric thickness of the radome. In practice, only the inner surface of the radome can be precisely modified by a special grinding machine after the outer surface has been finished. But how to determine the grinding area and the grinding allowance from the boresight error is a very complicated reverse engineering problem, which is hardly solved by pure mathematical method. A new method combining the numerical calculation and the practical measurement to determine the grinding area and allowance is presented in this paper. It is shown that this method is simple and practical, being applicable for many kinds of radomes.