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An image encryption algorithm utilizing Mandelbrot set


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2010-10-29

Included Journals:EI、Scopus

Page Number:170-173

Abstract:As an important field in information security, image encryption algorithm has been a research focus. At the same time there are few works on fractal set as the encryption key among various encryption algorithms. In the paper, Mandelbrot set (abbreviated as M set) and the Hilbert transformation are utilized to generate the random key. Since M set can be iterated from only a few parameters, it can reduce the storage space greatly. In addition, the infinite boundaries of the M set and the Hilbert transformation enhance the randomness of the key. Experimental results show that even the slight disturbance of the parameters can change the key dramatically. Moreover, the algorithm needs small space for key storage and the real-time encryption can be achieved. ? 2010 IEEE.

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