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Paper Publications

Title of Paper:Robust Control for a Class of Uncertain Time-delay Switched Fuzzy Systems


Date of Publication:2009-06-17

Included Journals:EI、CPCI-S、Scopus

Page Number:4558-+

Key Words:Switched Systems; Fuzzy Systems; Quadratic Stability; Global Model; Switching Law

Abstract:This paper considers the quadratic stability problem for a class of switched fuzzy (SF) time-delay systems. A new method based on a switching technique is presented to solve this problem. A switched fuzzy system, which differs from existing ones, is firstly employed to describe a nonlinear system, and then some new concepts about the innovated SF system are introduced. Usually, this class of systems can precisely describe continuous and discrete dynamics as well as their interactions in the complex real-world systems. Next, the switched state feedback controller for the proposed SF time-delay system is built to ensure that the relevant closed-loop system is quadratically stable. Finally, switching law of the state-dependent form achieving system quadratic stability of the SF system is given. The main conditions are given in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), hence they are easily solvable. Various comparisons of the elaborated examples are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control design approach. All results illustrate good control performances as desired.

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