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An empirical research on e-commerce customer website loyalty


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2010-08-24

Included Journals:EI、Scopus

Abstract:Customer satisfaction was the basic of building longtern buyer-seller relationship, and customer loyalty was the key ways for firm's payoff and developing. As the internets became a media of building buyer-seller relationship, customer's satisfaction on product or service turn around website satisfaction, and their loyalty represent directly on website loyalty. Moreover the technology readiness of customer made great moderating effects through the whole process. Based on the researches home and abroad, this study analyzed e-commerce website quality effects on website satisfaction and website loyalty. The results showed that website quality consisted of website ease of use, website content, website security and website interaction; The website ease of use, website security and website interaction were direct antecedents of website satisfaction; And the website security took the strongest effects on customer's website satisfaction. Website content made no significant effect on customer's website satisfaction. Customer's website satisfaction made a significant effect on customer's website loyalty; Furthermore, the technology readiness of customer made great moderating effects on website quality and website satisfaction as well as website satisfaction and website loyalty. ? 2010 IEEE.

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