Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2016-01-01
Journal:International Journal of Automation Technology
Included Journals:EI
Page Number:654-661
ISSN No.:18817629
Abstract:A low level of automation, low accuracy of control, and high dependence on operator proficiency are general deficiencies of traditional overhead cranes. In order to improve the level of automation of overhead cranes, genetic algorithms and the grid method were applied to plan the global path of an overhead crane in a static environment. An automatic travel control system for an overhead crane was designed on the soft PLC platform CoDeSys. A slip control variable frequency regulating system was used to guarantee the accuracy of the travel system. A Simulink model of the slip control variable frequency regulating system was built with parameters optimized, and the control signal generated by the PLC was input into the model to conduct the simulation, which verified the feasibility of automation and the accuracy of the control system. © 2016, Fuji Technology Press. All rights reseved.