Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2015-01-01
Journal:Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
Included Journals:EI、Scopus
Page Number:385-394
ISSN No.:18761100
Abstract:Aiming at changeful market demands, it is difficult to obtain a reasonable and optimized design project efficiently and intelligently by theoretic calculation, which needs to be solved emergently. The character of calculation in logistics machinery product conceptual design includes lots of working condition (WC) and load combination (LC). An integrated strategy is applied to the logistics machinery product conceptual design, and an integrated conceptual design calculation method for logistics machinery based on WC and LC is presented in the paper. By solving the worst work condition and LC, resolving and clustering coupling in product parameters, and synchronization evolution of calculation model and geometry model, uniform and standardized calculation model for the logistics machinery product conceptual design is established, and clustering of project design and loose coupling between calculations is realized. Therefore, software framework is easy to accomplish. Conceptual design calculation software for straight-arm self-propelled high-altitude working platform is developed and applied in the GTBZ serial products. The software can improve the efficiency of conceptual design greatly and used in parameters optimization. ? Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015.