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Examples and application of ADAMS software in the Mechanics of Machines teaching


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2010-08-24

Included Journals:EI、Scopus

Page Number:1637-1641

Abstract:Mechanics of Machines is an important basic course taught to many mechanical engineering students at the undergraduate level. Existing challenges in Mechanics of Machines are discussed and merits of applying ADAMS software as a tool in teaching of Mechanics of Machines are analyzed in this paper. The core modules of the ADAMS software are presented. Three representative examples of real mechanical systems, including a linkage mechanism, a cam mechanism and a gear mechanism show the method and process of modeling with ADAMS software. Using its powerful function of kinematics and dynamics analysis, and combining its post-processor module, it is convenient for students to visually master the working principles of mechanisms. In the end, the effects on teaching practice with the software are clarified. ?2010 IEEE.

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