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The design and implement of scene management in 3D engine SR


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2010-06-26

Included Journals:EI、Scopus

Page Number:183-186

Abstract:Scene Management is the spirit of the 3D engine. Its design is directly affects the efficiency of rendering and conflict detection. If we don't manage the object in the scene specially or we just use the link-list to manage the object simplify, all of the object in the scene need to be clipped, transformed, lighted and doing raster by the graph disposing pipe-line. This simple method of scene management is only used when there are a few objects in the scene. As for the large-scale or complex scene, the efficiency of this method is very low. This paper presents a newly way, which uses the hierarchical scene tree to manage the 3D scene, and stores the bonding volume in the node of tree, accordingly forms the hierarchical bonding volume tree, and then provide the appropriate data structure for the scene clip and conflict detection. ?2010 IEEE.

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