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Motion Characteristics of Composite-Type Sea Cage under Pure Wave


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2012-05-18

Included Journals:EI、CPCI-S、Scopus


Page Number:3405-+

Key Words:composite-type sea cage; motion range; motion relationship

Abstract:To study motion range changes with wave condition and motion relationship between cages, physical model experiments were carried out. The authors designed 2 models of composite-type sea cages. Experimental data obtained by the CCD data acquisition system. The experiment results showed that 1.in the same period, horizontal motion range,vertical motion range and inclination changes of float collar increase with wave height; 2.In the same wave height, horizontal motion range of the float collar increases with period; 3.The laws between vertical motion and period are not obvious 4.The laws between inclination changes and period are not obvious 5.Motion range of the first cage along the direction of waves is less than other cages.

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