Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2011-09-01
Included Journals:Scopus、SCIE、EI
Page Number:1545-1554
ISSN No.:0029-8018
Key Words:Gravity cage; Transfer function; Numerical simulation; Open ocean aquaculture
Abstract:Based on the lumped-mass method and rigid-body kinematics theory, a mathematical model of a gravity cage system attacked by irregular waves is developed to simulate the hydrodynamic response of cage system, including the maximum tension of mooring lines and the motion of float collar. The normalized response amplitudes (response amplitude operators) are calculated for the cage motion response in heave and surge, and the mooring line tension response, in regular waves. In addition, a statistical approach is taken to determine the motion and tension transfer functions in irregular waves. In order to validate the numerical model of a gravity cage attacked by irregular waves, numerical predictions have been compared with the experimental observations in the time and frequency domain. The effect of wave incident angle on the float collar motion, mooring line tension and net volume reduction of the gravity cage system in irregular waves is also investigated. The results show that at high frequencies, the cage system has no significant heave motion. It tends to contour itself to longer waves. The variation amplitude of mooring line forces decreases as the wave frequency increases. With the increasing of wave incident angle, the horizontal displacement of the float collar increases. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.