Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
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1. 阎军、杨春秋,基于问题的教学模式在计算结构力学课程中的实践探索,大连理工大学教改课题项目,2008-2009
2. 阎军、杨春秋,计算结构力学课程双语课建设,学校教改面上项目,2011-2012
3. 阎军、杨春秋、张伟、何宜谦、张维声,技术科学类创新拔尖人才国际化教育新机制探索,学校教改面上项目,2015-2016
4. 阎军、杨春秋、段庆林、吕永涛、高南、张岩、何宜谦、李锐、郝鹏、武文华,面向双一流的我校研究生全英文课程建设与考评研究,学校研究生教改重点项目,2017/01-2017/12
5. 阎军、武文华、季顺迎、赵岩、何宜谦、赵延广、马红艳、张维声、毕祥军、王平,大连理工大学—辽宁红沿河核电有限公司大学生校外实践教育基地,辽宁省大学生实践教育基地建设项目,2018/01-2019/12
1. 阎军,杨春秋,孙丽莎。基于问题的教学方法在计算结构力学课程中的实践探索。全国第三届力学课程报告论坛,2008年11月21日-11月23日,南京。
2. 杨春秋,阎军,李刚.筹建钱令希力学创新实验班调研报告[C].东北三省力学学术会议论文集,2010.
3. 杨春秋,阎军,李刚.弹性力学系列课教学团队建设研究[C].东北三省力学学术会议论文集,2010.
4. 孙丽莎,阎军。美国MIT的教学评估办法与特色综合研究—对我国高校教师教学评价体系构建的启示。黑龙江高教研究,2014,11:34-37。
5. 孙丽莎,阎军。构建辽宁地方院校本科人才国际化教育机制。现代交际,2014,10:241。
6. 孙丽莎,阎军。“一带一路”战略下应用型高校本科人才国际合作培养路径研究。吉林省教育学院学报,2017,3:116-118。
Wenbo Hu won the outstanding master's thesis nomination award of Liaoning Province, and the excellent master's degree thesis of Dalian University of Technology in 2013
Zunyi Duan won the outstanding paper award of annual Northeast mechanics meeting in 2013
Zunyi Duan won the 2014 annual national outstanding doctoral scholarship
Suxia Yang won the excellent master's degree thesis prize of Dalian University of Technology in 2014
Chan Yang and Zhenhua Wang won the excellent master's degree thesis prize of Dalian University of Technology in 2015
Jia Liu won the excellent master's degree thesis prize of Dalian University of Technology in 2016
Lijiang Dai won the outstanding paper award of annual Northeast mechanics meeting in 2016
Zhixun Yang won the national scholarship for excellent doctoral students in 2016
Haitao Hu won the excellent forum for the first session of the doctoral Academic Forum on mechanics in Northeast China,《海洋脐带缆弯曲非线性滞回效应研究》,2017