Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2014-01-01
Journal:Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research
Included Journals:EI、Scopus
Page Number:8447-8458
ISSN No.:1308772X
Abstract:In this paper, a new analytic model called transfer matrix method is used to investigate the heat transfer performance of high porosity metal foam under the forced convection conditions. Assuming a simple cubic cell structures for the foam matrix, the new method gives an in-depth analysis of heat transfer in the microscopic to overcome the approximations in an analytic model based on fin analogy. Results obtained by the transfer matrix method are closer to the experiment results than the present methods, which indicate the method is more accurate. ? Sila Science. All rights reserved.
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Alma Mater:大连理工大学
Degree:Doctoral Degree
Discipline:Engineering Mechanics. Computational Mechanics. Aerospace Mechanics and Engineering
Business Address:系楼504
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