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学科:工程力学. 计算力学. 航空航天力学与工程
- [1]陈文炯, 刘书田, 张永存.基于拓扑优化的自发热体冷却用植入式导热路径设计方法[J],力学学报,2022,2:406-412
- [2]KONGDekui, 张永存, 刘书田.Enhanced Natural Convection for Accelerating Melting of Phase Change Material in Cellular Structu...[J],Journal of Thermal Science,2024,33(02):548-563
- [3]高俊峰, 杨子豪, 张永存, 刘书田.An improved partial differential equation filter scheme for topology optimization of additively m...[J],Computers and Structures,288
- [4]Li, Shuai, 张永存, 刘书田.考虑瞬态温度和应力约束的承载隔热多功能结构拓扑优化[J],Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,2024,55(6):1288-1307
- [5]孔德奎, 张永存, 刘书田.Enhanced Natural Convection for Accelerating Melting of Phase Change Material in Cellular Structu...[J],Journal of Thermal Science,2024
- [6]Li, Shuai, 张永存, 刘书田.Multi-material topology optimization method for transient thermal structure with constraint on pe...[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING,2024
- [7]Li, Shuai, 张永存, 刘书田, Wu, Shuhao.Topology optimization of thermoelastic structures under transient thermal loads limited to stress...[J],STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION,2024,66(1)
- [8]杨子豪, 张永存, Wu, Zhangming, 刘书田.Multifunctional design of lattice metamaterial with desired thermal expansion behaviors using top...[J],MECHANICS OF MATERIALS,2024,197
- [9]杨子豪, 张永存, 刘书田.Easy manufacturing constraint based topology optimization of dual-scale and dual-constituent latt...[J],COMPOSITE STRUCTURES,2024,343
- [10]刘书田, 胡靖宇, 罗云锋, Quhao Li, 陈文炯, 张永存, 王奇.A Survey of Topology Optimization Methods Considering Manufacturable Structural Feature Constrain...[J],Additive Manufacturing Frontiers,2024,2
- [11]Zhang, Yongcun, Liu, Shutian, Kang, Shuaishuai, Ma, Guangpeng, Wang, Jiayou, YC (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Numerical and experimental study of phase-change temperature controller containing graded cellu...[J],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2019,150:1297-1305
- [12]张永存, 尚士朋, 刘书田.一种基于商业软件的周期性复合材料热膨胀系数性能预测新方法[A],2015,470-470
- [13]张永存, 崔雷, 周玲丰, 杨迪雄, 刘书田.基于拓扑优化的机床床鞍创新构型设计[A],2010,335-342
- [14]吴书豪, 张永存, 刘书田.一种考虑瞬态效应的散热结构导热路径设计的拓扑优化模型[J],计算力学学报,2018,35(5):547-551
- [15]张永存, 梁宇静, 刘书田.New design of dual-constituent triangular lattice metamaterial with unbounded thermal expansion[A],2018,1(1):1-2
- [16]马广朋, 张永存, 王佳优, 刘书田, 康帅帅.Numerical and experimental study of phase-change temperature controller containing graded cellula...[A],2018,1(1):1-2
- [17]王佳优, 马广朋, 孔德奎, 张永存, 刘书田.Experimental and numerical study of the graded metallic honeycomb heat exchanger fabricated by ad...[A],2018,1(1):1-2
- [18]李冉, 张永存, 刘书田.考虑加工精度的机床支承件弹性变形指标配置优化设计方法[A],2018,1(1):1-2
- [19]梁宇静, 张永存.具有特定热膨胀的超材料设计[A],2017,1
- [20]Zhang, Yongcun, Shang, Shipeng, Liu, Shutian, YC (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..A novel implementation algorithm of asymptotic homogenization for predicting the effective coef...[J],ACTA MECHANICA SINICA,2017,33(2):368-381