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More >>Professor Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Main positions:Professor/Ph. D & Master Supervisor
Other Post:Overseas Cooperation Representative
LI HONG, male, was born in June of 1969; Canadian Citizen, Chinese Permanent Residence, daily fluent in Chinese, English, Japanese; Professor at Dalian University of Technology, Ph.D/Master Int'l Student Supervisor, University's Overseas Cooperation Representative。
Teaching courses are listed as follows,
1) Specialty Compulsory Course for Undergraduate Students -《Elasticity & Finite Element Method Programming (Int'l Classs)》(in Pure English);
2) Specialty Elective Course for Undergruate Students Majored in Underground Engineering Speciality《Metro & Light Rail》
Research Directions are listed as follows,
1) Seepage Flows in Engineering Fractured Rocks;
2) Hot Dry Rock Geothermal Extraction(EGS based on Tunnelling);
3) CO2- Enhanced Coalbed Methane Recovery as well as Its Geological Storage ;
4) Reservoir Geomechanics and Thermal-Hydraulic-Mehcanical Coupling Simulations;
5) Tansport of Contaminants in Soil & Subsurface Water;
6) Anti-Seismic Analysis on Underground Engineering Innovative Structures;
7) (High-order) Boundary Element Method Programming and Its Engineering Applications;
8) High-Accuracy Simulations & Computational Design on Stifiness of Automobile Suspension Springs
In 1997,I obtained Ph.D degree from Northeastern University of China. Subsequently, I had been employed by industrail, academic and research organizations in South Africa, Japan and Canada one after another for totally nearly fourteen years. I ever held posts as Technical Analyst, Reearch Engineer, Lecturer, Research Fellow appionted by Special Contract, Principal Developer, Senior Application Engineer, Permanent Employee, Research Scientist, Laboratory Technologist and Research Assocaite. In the Autumn of 2010, I was appointed as Distinguished Professor by Dalian University of Technology.
I had published more than a hundred of papers, playing as reviewers for many prestigious journals, scientific foundations and academic agencies and delivering key-note speaker's lectures or presiding technical sessions during symposiums. I've visited overseas communicating fully supported by the other parties for multiple times. For the recent five years, I published five hig-quality SCI papers on journals like Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements and GeoFluids, etc. as well as nine EI and domestic core journal papers.
The main projects which I presided or am presiding are as follows,
1) State Key Fundamental Research Development Plan (973)(ID: 2011CB013503), 'Seepage Flow Characteristics and Control Mechanism For High-steep Slopes' , 2011/11-2016/08, RMB 5240K Yuan, Completed.
2) Open fund from Key Laboratory of Deep Earth and Engineering (Ministry of Education) (ID: DESE201905), 'Structure, Process and Efficiency of Deep Hot Dry Rock Heat Mining Engineering', 2019/06-2021/05, RBM 75K Yuan.
3) Open fund from State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Mineral Metallurgical Resources Utilization and Pollution Control (ID: HB201904) ,'Finite Element Method to Analyze Transport of Contanminant in Soil & Subsurface Water', 2020/01-2021/12, RBM 40K Yuan.
4) Topic of Int'l Cooperation in Science and Technology - Fundamental Research Funds for the Central University in Dalian University of Technology (ID: DUT20GJ204), 'Study on Heat Mining Based on Excavating Shaft and Tunnels in Deep Hot Dry Rock', 2020/01-2021/12, RMB 150K Yuan.
5) Application Technique Study From China Academy of Building Research, 'Study on Key Technologies to Construct Large-Span Column-Free Metro Station as Well as Their Engineering Demonstration' , 2012/12-2014/12, RMB 100K Yuan, Completed.
6) Technical Development of Fuao Liaoning Automobile Spring Co. Ltd. 'Calculation of Stiffness of Parabolic Springs & Leaf Springs with Gradually hanging Stiffness', 2017/03-2018/03, RMB 50K Yuan, Completed.
7) Ministry of Education-High-end Foreign Experts Introduction Plan, 'Well & Tunnel Excavation Based Enhanced Geothermal System Deep Underground Engineering Super-Computing Simulation Study ', 2021/01-2024/01, RMB 60K Yuan.
Office Address: Room 417-1, Comprehensive Laboratory Building No.3, Linggong Road No.2, Ganjingzi District, Dalian 116024
Working Phones: 0411-84706293;138-89472105
E-mails: hong.li@dlut.edu.cn; 13889472105@163.com
Research FocusMore>>
- Enhanced Geothermal System(EGS)
- Transport of Contaminants in Soil and Subsurface Water
- CO2-Enahnced Coalbed Mathane Recovery