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Date of Publication:2016-01-01


Affiliation of Author(s):建设工程学部


Page Number:127-131

ISSN No.:1006-7043

Abstract:The approach channel has become a key factor constraining the trafficability of seaports, and the impact of channel dimensions on the effective utilization ratio of berths needs to be considered when planning a container terminal. Using a container terminal as an example, this study integrated ship navigation and operation into a simu?lation of port construction and operation. Applying related industrial standards, we designed a series of simulation plans and determined the parameters of the simulation model. We then quantitatively analyzed the relationship be?tween the effective utilization ratio of the container terminal berths, and the quantity of berths and channel lines and the duration of navigation, to provide a theoretical basis on which to determine the effective utilization ratio of con?tainer terminal berths and to estimate the annual trafficability of berths. The results demonstrated that the dimen?sions of the approach channel are important in achieving a satisfactory effective utilization ratio of berths, especially with a single?line long channel. This study recommends using computer simulation technology when assessing the general port plane layout of real engineering projects to ensure the efficient operation of the port.


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