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Effect of hexabromocyclododecane and antimony trioxide on flame retardancy of bisphenol A epoxy resin


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2013-12-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI、Scopus



Page Number:903-910

ISSN No.:1026-1265

Key Words:Resin; Flame retardancy; Microstructure

Abstract:In the present work, the hexabromocyclododecane and the antimony trioxide were introduced into the bisphenol A epoxy resin to improve its flame retardancy. The effects of hexabromocyclododecane and antimony trioxide on flame retardancy of bisphenol A epoxy resin were estimated according to ASTM D2512-95 (2008). The specimen cured by T-31, with the addition of hexabromocyclododecane, did not show any flash and explosion during the 20 times of mechanical impact, whereas slightly empyreumatic scent was detected. The explosion was observed for the other specimens. The resin particles on the surface of the specimen after the mechanical impact were more than that before the mechanical impact, which was attributed presumably to the mechanical impact at the low temperature resulted in the crushing of the resin materials. It also indicated that bisphenol A epoxy resin cured by 593 with antimony trioxide at the low temperature had low flexibility. The XPS analysis confirmed that the surface of the specimen observed explosion was readily reacted with liquid oxygen. The O/C ratios of the specimen cured by T-31, with the addition of hexabromocyclododecane, before and after the mechanical impact were statistically approximate to 0.223 and 0.238, respectively, which revealed that the specimen was compatible with liquid oxygen.

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