
- 性别:女
- 毕业院校:大阪市立大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:生物工程学院
- 学科:生物工程与技术. 微生物学
- 办公地点:生物工程学院405
- 电子邮箱:wanglili@dlut.edu.cn
[1] Li Jingbo, Wang Xitao, Cong Cong, Wan Leibing, Xu Yongping, Li Xiaoyu, Hou Fuqin, Wu Yanyan, Wang Lili.Inoculation of cattle manure with microbial agents increases efficiency and promotes maturity in com[J],3 Biotech,2020,10(3):128
[2] Wan, Leibing, Wang, Xitao, Cong, Cong, Li, Jingbo, Xu, Yongping, Xiaoyu, Hou, Fuqin, Wu, Yanyan, Lili, LL (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Bioengn, Dalian, Peoples R China..Effect of inoculating microorganisms in chicken manure composting with maize straw[J],BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2020,301:122730
[3] Yuan Yuyu, Qu Kunli, Tan Demeng, Li Xiaoyu, Wang Lili, Cong Cong, Xiu Zhilong, Xu Yongping.Isolation and characterization of a bacteriophage and its potential to disrupt multi-drug resistant [J],Microbial pathogenesis,2019,128:329-336
[4] Wang, Jigang, Gang, Wu, Tingting, Di, Yuan, Yuyu, Jianren, Liu, Tian, Lili, Qiu, Jieshan.Quaternary Ammonium Compound Functionalized Activated Carbon Electrode for Capacitive Deionization[J],ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2018,6(12):17204-17210
[5] Wang, Lili.Orthogonal test design for optimization of the extraction of essential oil from Asarum heterotropo[J],3 BIOTECH,2018,8(11):473
[6] He, Dongye, Li, Xiaoyu, Sai, Xuan, Wang, Lili, Shuying, Xu, Yongping.Camellia nitidissima CW Chi: a review of botany, chemistry, and pharmacology[J],PHYTOCHEMISTRY REVIEWS,2018,17(2,SI):327-349
[7] 于小娟, 徐永平, 王丽丽, 张美霞, 李晓宇.CpG-ODN作为动物疫苗佐剂的研究进展[J],黑龙江畜牧兽医,2018,05:88-92
[8] He, Dongye, Sai, Xuan, Wang, Ning, Li, Xiaoyu, Lili, Xu, Yongping, YP (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Life Sci & Biotechnol, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China., Xu, Minist Educ, Ctr Food Safety Anim Origin, Dalian 116620.Camellia euphlebia exerts its antidepressant-like effect via modulation of the hypothalamic-pituit[J],METABOLIC BRAIN DISEASE,2018,33(1):301-312
[9] He, Dongye, Zhang, Ping, Sai, Xuan, Li, Xiaoyu, Wang, Lili, Xu, Yongping, YP (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Life Sci & Biotechnol, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Camellia euphlebia flower extract inhibits oleic acid-induced lipid accumulation via reduction of [J],EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE,2018,17:1-8
[10] 王丽丽, 李晓宇, 徐永平.金黄色葡萄球菌致奶牛乳腺炎的噬菌体防控研究[A],2018
[11] 徐永平, 王丽丽, 李晓宇.Complete genome sequence and analysis of novel lytic Vibrio parahaemolyticus bacteriophage Vp_R1.[A],2018,79-79
[12] 徐永平, 王丽丽, 李晓宇.The safety of bacteriophage in food applications[A],2018,90-90
[13] 徐永平, 王丽丽, 李晓宇.Reviewing and thinking on the achievements of bacteriophage research in China during the 1950s[A],2018,91-91
[14] 王丽丽, 徐永平, 李晓宇.Characterization of endolysin LysD2 combat multidrug-resistant gram-negative and gram-positive patho[A],2018,112-112
[15] 王丽丽, 李晓宇, 徐永平.Efficacy and safety of a bovine-associated Staphylococcus aureus phage cocktail in mice of mastitis[A],2018,119-119
[16] 付丽娜, 徐永平, 李晓宇, 渠坤丽, 张楠, 王佳宁, 王丽丽.噬菌体控制致病性大肠杆菌的研究进展[J],畜牧与兽医,2017,49(12):140-144
[17] He, Dongye, Zhang, Ping, Sai, Xuan, Li, Xiaoyu, Wang, Lili, Xu, Yongping, YP (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Life Sci & Biotechnol, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China., Xu, Minist Educ, Ctr Food Safety Anim Origin, Dalian 116620.Hypolipidemic Activity of Camellia euphlebia Flower Extract in High-fat-fed Mice[J],PLANT FOODS FOR HUMAN NUTRITION,2017,72(4):372-379
[18] 付丽娜, 王丽丽, 李晓宇, 赵红, 袁玉玉, 丛聪, 渠坤丽, 徐永平.噬菌体对三大耐药菌的防控作用研究进展[J],中国抗生素杂志,2017,42(10):836-841
[19] 渠坤丽, 李晓宇, 袁玉玉, 张美霞, 徐永平, 丛聪, 王丽丽.用噬菌体破解细菌生物被膜的研究进展[J],中国抗生素杂志,2017,42(10):849-857
[20] 袁玉玉, 丛聪, 王丽丽, 李晓宇, 渠坤丽, 耿慧君, 赵红, 徐永平.噬菌体与抗菌剂联合应用研究进展[J],中国抗生素杂志,2017,42(10):842-848