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Porcine automation: Robotic abdomen cutting trajectory planning using machine vision techniques based on global optimization algorithm


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2017-12-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI、Scopus


Page Number:193-200

ISSN No.:0168-1699

Key Words:Machine vision; Trajectory planning; Industrial robot; Porcine automation; Global optimization algorithm

Abstract:The purpose of this paper is to provide details on implementation of accurate and intelligent automation solution for porcine abdomen cutting while a pig is hung up by rear legs. The system developed utilized a 6-DOF industrial manipulators, customized tools, 2D camera and PC. Eye-to-hand calibrations built coordinate transformation relations of units in Cartesian space. The porcine abdomen curve was identified and fitted into quintic spline curve from image. Under cavum peritonaei constrains, optimal sectional trajectory was planned based on genetic algorithm (GA) by comparing several kinds of optimization algorithms. The results of experimental replications show that the system was successful both in following the varied position carcass and cutting open abdominal cavity without haslet damage. The system can enhance the quality, hygienic standard and efficiency of the process.

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