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个人简介Personal Profile


副教授/博士(2015.11-2018.1,清华大学环境学院博士后)/硕导,大连理工大学研究生优秀导学团队成员(4/9)。现任国际SCI期刊Frontiers in Chemistry、Frontiers in Catalysis-Photocatalysis的副编辑(Associate Editor)。自2009年以来一直从事纳米催化材料制备与表征及气液相污染物的吸附催化净化材料与技术方面的研究工作。担任多个国际SCI期刊的审稿人(包括Angewandte ChemieApplied Catalysis B-EnvironmentalJournal of Materials Chemistry A)、主持国家级项目3项(包括国自然应急管理项目,批准号:21647001;国自然青年基金项目,批准号:21806016;并作为国家重点研发计划项目:重点行业固定污染源大气排放高精度在线监测技术研发及应用示范(项目编号:2016YFC0201100)子课题六“重点行业固定污染源关键污染物排放在线监测技术规范研究”参与单位负责人)。共参与国家“863”课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目等科研项目10余项。


有机废水、含磷废水及含重金属离子废水的催化净化;(4)Recycling wastes for environmetal catalysis。

论文Catalytic decomposition of gaseous ozone over todorokite-type manganese dioxides at room temperature: Effects of cerium modification (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apcata.2016.11.028)曾被评为Applied Catalysis A-General期刊的高被引文章!https://www.journals.elsevier.com/applied-catalysis-a-general/most-cited-articles


[26] 被评为 学院“2024年度本科生培养优秀教师”(2024-12)

[25] 本科生张迪 中国国际大学生创新大赛(2024)大连理工大学校内选拔赛二等奖(2024-9)

[24] 本科生王荟钧等 突围省赛 入围第九届全国大学生生命科学竞赛决赛,并获一等奖(2024-7)

[23] 本科生王荟钧、韩可欣的科研论文 获 第十一届辽宁省大学生创新创业年会学术论文类 二等奖(2024-7)

[22] 本科生王荟钧、刘佳怡分别负责的大创项目获结题优秀(2024-4)

[21] 本科生王荟钧、张迪分获校第二十届攀登杯一、二等奖(2024-4)

[20] 本科生房莉静(2019级)获2023届校级优秀毕业论文奖

[19] 本科生刘佳怡、张迪、王荟钧获 第九届中国际“互联网 +” 大学生创新业赛大连理工大学校内选拔赛 二等奖、二等奖和三等奖(2023-8)

[18] 本科生洪炎松、房莉静获校第十九届攀登杯二等奖(2023-5)

[17] 研究生杨欢欢(2020级),2023校优秀硕士论文

[16] 本科生杨济宁(2018级)获2022届校级优秀毕业论文奖

[15] 指导的3项本科生科创成果均获大连理工大学第十八届攀登杯二等奖(2023-2)

[14] 研究生杨欢欢(2020级)获2022年大连理工大学优秀研究生称号

[13] 全国大学生生命科学竞赛(2022,创新创业类)决赛 二等奖(本科生:杨济宁、房莉静、任慧博、李浩东

[12] 2022年辽宁省大学生生命科学创新创业大赛决赛 一等奖(本科生:杨济宁、任慧博、房莉静

[11] 2022年第八届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛大连理工大学校内选拔赛,二等奖

[10] 2019级研究生牛明爽,2022校优秀硕士论文

[9] 本科生杨济宁(2018级)第九届辽宁省大学生创新创业年会 年会作品特等奖、优秀学术论文奖(2022年5月)。本人获优秀指导教师奖

[8] 首届零碳未来创新大赛 优秀奖(2022年1月)

[7] 2021年国家级(负责人:2019级任慧博)、省级大创项目(负责人:2019级李浩东)获评优秀结题项目

[6] 本科生杨济宁(2018级)、任慧博、房莉静(2019级)获2021年辽宁省大学生生命科学创新创业大赛 科学创意组三等奖

[5] 本科生杨济宁(2018级)获大连理工大学第十七届“攀登杯”科技作品竞赛三等奖

[4] 研究生高伟(2018级)获2020年大连理工大学优秀研究生称号及2020年研究生国家奖学金

[3] 本科生杨济宁(2018级)在辽宁省第七届大学生创新创业年会获优秀论文一等奖,并作为大工唯一学生代表参加在重庆大学举办的第十三届全国大学生创新创业年会,我们的作品从200余份作品中脱颖而出,获评优秀学术论文(共20名),本人获优秀指导教师称号(共68人);在第五届全国大学生生命科学创新创业大赛获优秀成果二等奖,本人获指导教师二等奖。

[2] 本科生徐天怡(2016级)获2020届校级优秀毕业论文奖

[1] 本科生宗汶静(2016级)获大连理工大学第十五届“攀登杯”科技作品竞赛二等奖和最受欢迎作品奖



2021级本 张迪 推免至北理

2021级本 王荟钧 推免至哈工大

2021级研 张诗雨 西湖大学读博

2020级本 刘佳怡 天津大学读研

2020级本 洪炎松 贺泓院士组读研

2020级研 杨欢欢 兰钧新能源

2019级本 房莉静 推免至天津大学读研

2019级研 牛明爽 浙江大学衢州研究院 研究员

2018级研 高伟 天津理工大学 专职辅导员

2018级本 朱思瑞 科创推免至大连理工大学环境学院读研

2018级本 杨济宁 科创推免至天津大学直博


[4] 环生2203,大连理工大学2023-2024学年优良学风班(2024-10)

[3] 2022-2023学年校优秀专业班主任

[2] 环生2203,大连理工大学2022-2023学年先进班集体、大连理工大学2022-2023学年优良学风班

[1] 环生1803,大连理工大学2018-2019学年优良学风班


[7] 大连理工大学基本科研业务费,6万,2022.1-2023.12

[6] 大连理工大学基本科研业务费二期,5万,2020.1-2021.12

[5] 国家自然科学基金 青年基金项目,26万,2019.1-2021.12.

[4] 国家重点研发计划项目 子课题六的参与单位负责人,30万,2016.7-2020.6.

[3] 国家自然科学基金 应急管理项目,5.9万,2017.1-2017.12.

[2] 企事业单位委托项目:高效同步清除气态臭氧和苯污染物的催化材料,3万,2018.3-2019.3.

[1] 大连理工大学基本科研业务费一期,5万,2018.4-2019.12.


[1] 刘阳,2019年教育部产学合作协同育人项目,合作企业:山东创宇环保科技有限公司,1万,2020.3-2021.2


[1] 张彭义;曹冉冉;刘阳;用于臭氧分解的催化剂的制备方法;ZL 2018 1 0241220.1


[1] Yang Liu*, Catalytic decomposition of gas-phase benzene: material design, reaction mechanism and future prospect, Catalysis published by RSC, 2020, 32, 81-115.


[34] Zheng-Li Hu (本), Jiu-Jiu Di, Hao-Yu Lian, Xianliang Yi, Hao Zhou, Yang Liu*, Cold plasma pretreatment of ramsdellite-MnO2 to enhance remediation of antibiotic rifampicin from water by the self-generated reactive oxygen species,  Applied Surface Science, ACCEPTED 录用

[33] Yang Liu*, Shi-Yu Zhang (研), Hao-Yu Lian, Tian-Yun Chen, Jingjing Zhan, Hao Zhou, Xianliang Yi, DBD-air-plasma fabrication of N-doped Li-CoOx substrate for loading Ag to promote the successive adsorption and oxidation of airborne HCHO, Applied Surface Science, ACCEPTED 录用

[32] Yang Liu*, Lin Cheng (研), Di Zhang, Zhonghong Li, Xudong Shen, Jingjing Zhan, Jiajia Shan, Hao Zhou, Xianliang Yi, Structure dependence of the enhanced sulfur tolerance of core-shell CoMn oxides for benzene oxidation: Discrepant sulfur species and less affected reactant activation, Separation and Purification Technology, 录用

[31] Hui-Jun Wang (本), Huanhuan Yang, Zhonghong Li, Xudong Shen, Tianyun Chen, Jingjing Zhan, Hao Zhou, Xianliang Yi, Shiyu Zhang, Yang Liu*, Surficial engineering of active hydroxyls for ambient formaldehyde oxidation via enhanced Lewis acidity over Zr-doped cryptomelane materials, Environmental Research, 247 (2024) 118255. 

[30] Jia-Yi Liu (本), Dayong Zhang, Hao Zhou, Xianliang Yi, Yang Liu*, Effective formaldehyde elimination over pyrolusite-manganite hybrid catalysts promoted by Keggin acid decoration: Tungsten doping and chemically adsorbed active oxygen, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2024.112541

[29] Yang Liu*, Xiao Zhou (研), Jingjing Zhan, Xuwang Zhang, Hao-Yu Lian, Hao Zhou, Xianliang Yi, Huan-Huan Yang, Jiajia Shan, Enhancing water resistance of α-MnO2 catalyst for efficient airborne benzene oxidation at mild temperatures via facile Ag incorporation, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, ACCEPTED.

[28] Shi-Yu Zhang (研), Zhonghong Li, Xudong Shen, Jiajia Shan, Jingjing Zhan, Hao Zhou, Xianliang Yi, Hao-Yu Lian, Yang Liu*, Formulating the Li sites of Li-CoOx composites for achieving high-efficiency oxidation removal of formaldehyde over the Ag/Li-CoOx catalyst under ambient conditions, Environmental Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2023.116683.  [26]的姊妹篇。

[27] Jun Wang (研), Jingjing Zhan, Hao Zhou, Xianliang Yi, Yang Liu*, Removal of lead from aqueous solution by synergistic interaction between LiCoO2 and tourmaline: Synthesis, characterization and mechanism investigation, Applied Surface Science, ACCEPTED. 本人第一篇关于水体重金属去除的文章.

[26] Shi-Yu Zhang (研), Jingjing Zhan, Hao Zhou, Ming-Shuang Niu, Huan-Huan Yang, Xiao Zhou, Xianliang Yi, Yang Liu*Lithium promotes Ag-CoOx composite for formaldehyde oxidation at ambient temperature: Chemically adsorbed oxidative oxygen formed by the interaction between AgCoO2 and catalyst parent, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 10 (2022) 108844.

[25] Ji-Ning Yang (本), Jingjing Zhan, Hao Zhou, Huan-Huan Yang, Shi-Yu Zhang, Xianliang Yi, Jiajia Shan, Yang Liu*, Enhanced oxidative ability, recyclability, water tolerance and aromatic resistance of α-MnO2 catalyst for room-temperature formaldehyde oxidation via simple oxalic acid treatment, Environmental Research, ACCEPTED.

[24] Rui Liu (本), Huan-Huan Yang, Hao Zhou, Xianliang Yi, Yang Liu*Particulate matter capturing over manganese dioxides with different crystal structures, Journal of Environmental Sciences, ACCEPTED. 本人第一篇有关颗粒物去除的文章。

[23] Yang Liu*, Huan-Huan Yang (研), Hao Zhou, Xianliang Yi, Jingjing Zhan, Water Durability Modification of Cerium-Manganese Oxide by Tin Shell for Efficient Airborne Benzene Oxidation, Journal of Hazardous Materials, ACCEPTED.

[22] Ji-Ning Yang (本), Huan-Huan Yang, Ming-Shuang Niu, Hao Zhou, Xianliang Yi, Da-Lei Chang, Jingjing Zhan, Yang Liu*, Ultra-Light 3D MnO2-Agar Network with High and Longevous Performance for Catalytic Formaldehyde Oxidation, Science of the Total Environment, ACCEPTED.

[21Ming-Shuang Niu (研), Huan-Huan Yang, Hao Zhou, Xianliang Yi, Xiao Zhou, Jingjing Zhan, Yang Liu*, Synergy of the Successive Modification of Cryptomelane MnO2 by Potassium Insertion and Nitrogen Doping for Catalytic Formaldehyde Oxidation, Chemical Engineering Journal, ACCEPTED.

[20] Huan-Huan Yang (研), Jie Du, Minghuo Wu, Hao Zhou, Xianliang Yi, Jingjing Zhan, Yang Liu*Tin-Modified ɑ-MnO2 Catalyst with High Performance for Benzene Oxidation, Ozone Decomposition and Particulate Matter Filtration, Chemical Engineering Journal, ACCEPTED. 

[19] Ji-Ning Yang (大创本科生), Hao Zhou, Xianliang Yi, Wei Gao, Ming-Shuang Niu, Yang Liu*Hard-NaCl Template-Regulated LiCoO2 Catalyst with Enhanced Activity for Aqueous and Gaseous Organics Elimination, Surfaces and Interfaces, ACCEPTED. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfin.2021.101376

[18] Yang Liu, Ming-Shuang Niu (研), Xianliang Yi, Geng Li, Hao Zhou, Wei Gao, Boron vacancies of mesoporous MnO2 with strong acid sites, free Mn3+ species and macropore decoration for efficiently decontaminating organic and heavy metal pollutants in black-odorous waterbodies, Applied Surface Science, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2021.150081.

[17] Yang Liu*, Wei Gao (研究生), Hao Zhou*, Xianliang Yi, Yongming Bao, Highly reactive bulk lattice oxygen exposed by simple water treatment of LiCoO2 for catalytic oxidation of airborne benzene, Molecular Catalysis, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mcat.2020.111003. 

[16] Si-Rui Zhu (大创项目本科生), Ji-Ning Yang (大创项目本科生), Yang Liu*, Wei Gao, Xianliang Yi, Hao Zhou, Minghuo Wu, Synergistic interaction of lithium cobalt oxide with sulfite to accelerate the degradation of organic aqueous pollutants, Materials Chemistry and Physicshttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchemphys.2020.123123. 大创项目本科生半年时间的工作,给予厚望、从ES&T投下来的文章,文章立意还不错,仍需努力。 

[15] Yang Liu*, Lei Yan (本科生), Wei Gao (研究生), Si-Rui Zhu (本科生), Jingjing Zhan, Ranran Cao, Hao Zhou, Samarium doping boosts catalytic oxidation of airborne benzene over todorokite-type MnO2, Applied Surface Science, doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2019.144043.

[14] Wei Gao (研究生), Yang Liu*, Hao Zhou, Yongming Bao, Jingjing Zhan, in situ Nitrogen Doping of Lithium Cobalt Oxide via Rhodamine B Degradation Offers the Reused Material a Better Activity, Applied Surface Science, doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2019.143972. 本人第一篇催化降解液相污染物文章.

[13] Tianchi Dai (本科生), Hao Zhou, Yang Liu*, Ranran Cao, Jingjing Zhan, Lifen Liu, Ben W.-L. Jang*, Synergy of Lithium, Cobalt, and Oxygen Vacancies  in Lithium Cobalt Oxide for Airborne Benzene Oxidation: A Concept of Reusing Electronic Wastes for Air Pollutant Removal, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2019, 7, 5072-5081.

[12] Yang Liu*, Hao Zhou, Ranran Cao, Xingyun Liu (本科生), Pengyi Zhang*, Jingjing Zhan, Lifen Liu, Facile and green synthetic strategy of birnessite-type MnO2 with high efficiency for airborne benzene removal at low temperatures, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 245 (2019) 569-582.

[11] Yang Liu*, Wei Gao (研究生), Jingjing Zhan*, Yongming Bao, Ranran Cao, Hao Zhou, Lifen Liu, One-pot synthesis of Ag-H3PW12O40-LiCoO2 composites for thermal oxidation of airborne benzene, Chemical Engineering Journal 375 (2019) 121956.

[10] Yang Liu, Pengyi Zhang*, Jingjing Zhan, Lifen Liu,  Heat treatment of MnCO3: An easy way to obtain efficient and stable MnO2 for humid O3 decomposition, Applied Surface Science 463 (2019) 374-385.

[9] Yang Liu*, Hao Zhou, Ranran Cao, Tao Sun (本科生), Wenjing Zong (本科生), Jingjing Zhan, Lifen Liu, Different behaviors of birnessite-type MnO2 modified by Ce and Mo for removing carcinogenic airborne benzene, Materials Chemistry and Physics 221 (2019) 457-466.

[8] Yang Liu*, Wenjing Zong (本科生), Hao Zhou, Dingsong Wang (本科生), Ranran Cao, Jingjing Zhan, Lifen Liu and Ben W.-L. Jang*, Tuning the interlayer cations of birnessite-type MnO2 to enhance its oxidation ability for gaseous benzene with water resistance, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2018, 8, 5344-5358.

[7] Yang Liu, Wenjuan Yang, Pengyi Zhang*, Junying Zhang, Nitric acid-treated birnessite-type MnO2: An efficient and hydrophobic material for humid ozone decomposition, Applied Surface Science 442 (2018) 640-649.

[6] Yang Liu and Pengyi Zhang*, Removing Surface Hydroxyl Groups of Ce-Modified MnO2 To Significantly Improve Its Stability for Gaseous Ozone Decomposition, J. Phys. Chem. C 2017, 121, 23488-23497.

[5] Yang Liu, Pengyi Zhang*, Catalytic decomposition of gaseous ozone over todorokite-type manganese dioxides at room temperature: Effects of cerium modification, Applied Catalysis A: General 530 (2017) 102-110.

[4] Yang Liu, Xiao-Song Li, Jing-Lin Liu, Junliang Wu, Daiqi Ye and Ai-Min Zhu*, Cycled storage-discharge (CSD) plasma catalytic removal of benzene over AgMn/HZSM-5 using air as discharge gas, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2016, 6, 3788-3796.

[3] Yang Liu, Xiao-Song Li, Jing-Lin Liu, Chuan Shi, Xiaobing Zhu,* Ai-Min Zhu and Ben W.-L. Jang*, Ozone catalytic oxidation for ammonia removal from simulated air at room temperature, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2015, 5, 2227-2237.

[2] Yang Liu, Xiao-Song Li, Chuan Shi, Jing-Lin Liu, Ai-Min Zhu* and Ben W.-L. Jang*, Ozone catalytic oxidation of adsorbed benzene over AgMn/HZSM-5 catalysts at room temperature, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2014, 4, 2589-2598.

[1] Yang Liu, Xiaosong Li, Jinglin Liu, Chuan Shi, Aimin Zhu*, Ozone catalytic oxidation of benzene over AgMn/HZSM‐5 catalysts at room temperature: Effects of Mn loading and water content, Chinese Journal of Catalysis 35 (2014) 1465-1474.





  • 教育经历Education Background
  • 工作经历Work Experience
  • 研究方向Research Focus
  • 社会兼职Social Affiliations
  • [1] 苯系物、甲醛等挥发性有机物及恶臭气体的吸附催化净化材料与技术(臭氧催化氧化、等离子体协同催化、选择催化氧化(SCO)除氨). [2] 通过结构调控手段(如增加比表面积、暴露高活性晶面及金属掺杂等),合成高性能长效室温催化分解臭氧材料. [3] 通过in situ Raman及in situ DRIFTs技术,探索催化反应机理.