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Self-Tuning Control Scheme of Non-Uniformly Sampled Data Systems with Time Delay and Unknown Colored Noise


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2016-05-28

Included Journals:EI、CPCI-S、Scopus

Page Number:4025-4030

Key Words:multi-rates; non-uniformly sampling; self-tuning control; identification

Abstract:This paper is motivated by the practical control considerations that non-uniformly sampled data systems with time delay and unknown colored noise (NUDSTC) are abundant in industrial process. First of all, the lifted state space model of NUDSTC is derived and the corresponding input-output relationship is obtained. Next, a recursive general extended identification algorithm is used to estimate the parameters of the non-uniformly sampled data systems. According to optimization control principle, the acquired model of NUDSTC derived from the identification algorithm is decomposed into the multiple sub-models. Further, the overall adaptive control scheme of non-uniformly sampled data system is obtained by finishing the combination of the minimum variance self-tuning controllers of sub-models. Finally, the simulation example is studied to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

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