Indexed by:会议论文
Date of Publication:2010-06-26
Included Journals:EI、CPCI-S、Scopus
Page Number:909-+
Key Words:Rotor-can; Reactor Coolant Pump; Vacuum Hot Bulge Forming; Finite Element Simulation
Abstract:In this paper, a 2-D nonlinear thermo-mechanical coupled finite element model was developed to simulate the vacuum hot bulge forming process of rotor-can with the aid of finite element software MSC.Marc. Thermal physical and mechanical properties of materials vary with temperature in the model. In addition, the effects of high temperature creep properties of materials on the vacuum hot bulge forming process of rotor-can were considered. The temperature field, the stress-strain field and the displacement field of rotor-can during vacuum hot bulge forming process were calculated. This work is beneficial to understand the vacuum hot bulge forming process of rotor-can and lays a good foundation for future work.