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个人信息Personal Information
学科:环境工程. 环境科学
办公地点:大连理工大学西部校区环境楼 B701
联系方式:Email: zhanglei78@dlut.edu.cn Mobile: 13130499670
- [1]Zhang, Zhikun, 李爱民, Wang, Xuexue, 张雷.Stabilization/solidification of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash via co-sintering wit...[J],WASTE MANAGEMENT,2022,56:238-245
- [2]Li, Changjing, 高原, 李爱民, 张雷, 姬国钊, 朱孔云, Wang, Xuexue, Zhang, Yulin.Synergistic effects of anionic surfactants on adsorption of norfloxacin by magnetic biochar der...[J],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2022,254(Pt B):113005
- [3]纪欣然, 张雷.Comment on "Heterogeneous Catalyst-Microbiome Hybrids for Efficient CO Driven C6 Carboxylic Acid ...[J],ACS Catalysis,2024,14(5):3387-3391
- [4]fahim ullah, 傅泽刚, manzoor zakia, 姬国钊, 张雷, Irfan, Muhammad, 李爱民.Assessing pyrolysis performance and product evolution of various medical wastes based on model-fr...[J],Chemical Engineering Journal,473
- [5]Chen, Quanyin, 纪欣然, 张雷, Liu, Xinyi, Wang, Xuexue, Hongbo, 李爱民.Sewage sludge enhances cold-pressed pelletization and carbothermic reduction of steel plant sinte...[J],Journal of Cleaner Production,2024,463
- [6]徐佰青, 王文祥, Wang, Yu, 张雷, 李爱民, Shan, Guangbo.腐殖酸的人工合成及其在环境污染修复中的研究进展[J],Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering,2024,18(7):1768-1782
- [7]张雷, 陈泉印, 杨睿丽, 陈传帅, 李爱民.基于含油污泥和生物质联合热压的颗粒燃料制备和油回收[J],大连理工大学学报,2024,64(05):461-469
- [8]Liu, Qiao, 纪欣然, 汪魏, 鲍贞雅, Zhu, Kongyun, 张雷.Biorefinery-oriented pyrolysis and anaerobic fermentation synergies: Leveraging biomass tar for e...[J],Journal of Cleaner Production,2024,477
- [9]Zhang, Zhikun, 李爱民, Wang, Xuexue, 张雷.Stabilization/solidification of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash via co-sintering wit...[J],WASTE MANAGEMENT,2022,56:238-245
- [10]Li, Changjing, 高原, 李爱民, 张雷, 姬国钊, 朱孔云, Wang, Xuexue, Zhang, Yulin.Synergistic effects of anionic surfactants on adsorption of norfloxacin by magnetic biochar der...[J],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2022,254(Pt B):113005
- [11]纪欣然, 张雷.Comment on "Heterogeneous Catalyst-Microbiome Hybrids for Efficient CO Driven C6 Carboxylic Acid ...[J],ACS Catalysis,2024,14(5):3387-3391
- [12]fahim ullah, 傅泽刚, manzoor zakia, 姬国钊, 张雷, Irfan, Muhammad, 李爱民.Assessing pyrolysis performance and product evolution of various medical wastes based on model-fr...[J],Chemical Engineering Journal,473
- [13]Chen, Quanyin, 纪欣然, 张雷, Liu, Xinyi, Wang, Xuexue, Hongbo, 李爱民.Sewage sludge enhances cold-pressed pelletization and carbothermic reduction of steel plant sinte...[J],Journal of Cleaner Production,2024,463
- [14]徐佰青, 王文祥, Wang, Yu, 张雷, 李爱民, Shan, Guangbo.腐殖酸的人工合成及其在环境污染修复中的研究进展[J],Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering,2024,18(7):1768-1782
- [15]张雷, 陈泉印, 杨睿丽, 陈传帅, 李爱民.基于含油污泥和生物质联合热压的颗粒燃料制备和油回收[J],大连理工大学学报,2024,64(05):461-469
- [16]Liu, Qiao, 纪欣然, 汪魏, 鲍贞雅, Zhu, Kongyun, 张雷.Biorefinery-oriented pyrolysis and anaerobic fermentation synergies: Leveraging biomass tar for e...[J],Journal of Cleaner Production,2024,477
- [17]Ma, Junwen, Cui, Yubo, Li, Aimin, Zhang, Wanjun, Liang, Junyu, Wang, Shiquan, Lei, YB (reprint author), 18 Liaohe West Rd, Dalian 116024, Liaoning, Peoples R China..Evaluation of the fate of nutrients, antibiotics, and antibiotic resistance genes in sludge tre...[J],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2020,712:136370
- [18]Li, Changjing, Gao, Yuan, Aimin, Zhang, Lei, Ji, Guozhao, Zhu, Kongyun, Wang, Xuexue, Yulin, AM (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Environm Sci & Technol, Linggong Rd 2, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Synergistic effects of anionic surfactants on adsorption of norfloxacin by magnetic biochar der...[J],ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2019,254(Pt B):113005
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