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    • 副教授       硕士生导师
    • 性别:男
    • 毕业院校:东京工业大学
    • 学位:博士
    • 所在单位:信息与通信工程学院
    • 学科:通信与信息系统. 信号与信息处理
    • 电子邮箱:jinqing@dlut.edu.cn




    Design of the thermal insulating test system for doors and windows of buildings






    关键字:thermal insulating test system; heat transfer coefficient; thermocouple; temperature control

    摘要:Thermal insulating properties of doors and widows are important parameter to measure the quality of windows and doors. This paper develops the thermal insulating test system of doors and windows for large temperature difference in winter in north of China according to national standards. This system is integrated with temperature measurement subsystem, temperature control subsystem, the heating power measurement subsystem, and heat transfer coefficient calculated subsystem. The temperature measurement subsystem includes temperature sensor which is implemented by sixty-four thermocouple sensors to measure the key positions of cold room and hot room, and the temperature acquisition unit which adopts Agilent 34901A data acquisition card to achieve self-compensation and accurate temperature capture. The temperature control subsystem including temperature controller and compressor system is used to control the temperature between 0 degree to 20 degree for hot room and -20 degree to 0 degree for cold room. The hot room controller uses fuzzy control algorithm to achieve accurate control of temperature and the cold room controller firstly uses compressor to achieve coarse control and then uses more accurate temperature controller unit to obtain constant temperature(-20 degree). The heating power measurement is mainly to get the heat power of hot room heating devices. After above constant temperature environment is constructed, software of the test system is developed. Using software, temperature data and heat power data can be accurately got and then the heat transfer coefficient, representing the thermal insulating properties of doors and widows, is calculated using the standard formula. Experimental results show that the test system is simple, reliable and precise. It meets the testing requirements of national standard and has a good application prospect.