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Numerical investigation into the buckling behavior of advanced grid stiffened composite cylindrical shell


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2014-08-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI



Page Number:1508-1519

ISSN No.:0731-6844

Key Words:Advanced grid stiffened; composite; finite element model; equivalent stiffness model; buckling

Abstract:Advanced grid stiffened composite cylindrical shell is widely adopted in advanced structures due to its exceptional mechanical properties. Buckling is a main failure mode of advanced grid stiffened structures in engineering, which calls for increasing attention. In this paper, the buckling response of advanced grid stiffened structure is investigated by three different means including equivalent stiffness model, finite element model and a hybrid model (H-model) that combines equivalent stiffness model with finite element model. Buckling experiment is carried out on an advanced grid stiffened structure to validate the efficiency of different modeling methods. Based on the comparison, the characteristics of different methods are independently evaluated. It is arguable that, by considering the defects of material, finite element model is a suitable numerical tool for the buckling analysis of advanced grid stiffened structures.

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