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学科:理论物理. 粒子物理与原子核物理
- [21]李乡, 付伟杰, Liu, Yu-xin.New insight about the effective restoration of U-A(1) symmetry[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,101(5)
- [22]Rennecke, Fabian, 付伟杰, Pawlowski, Jan M..Strangeness neutrality and the QCD phase diagram[A],Proceedings of Science,2022,347
- [23]Rennecke, Fabian, 付伟杰, Pawlowski, Jan M..Strangeness neutrality and the QCD phase diagram[A],Proceedings of Science,2022,347
- [24]付伟杰, Pawlowski, Jan M., Rennecke, Fabian.Strangeness neutrality and baryon-strangeness correlations[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,100(11)
- [25]付伟杰, Pawlowski, Jan M., Rennecke, Fabian.QCD phase structure at finite temperature and density[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,101(5)
- [26]李乡, 付伟杰, Liu, Yu-xin.New insight about the effective restoration of U-A(1) symmetry[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,101(5)
- [27]yinshi, Wen, Rui, 付伟杰.Mesonic dynamics and the QCD phase transition[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,100(9)
- [28]Chen, Yong-rui, Wen, Rui, 付伟杰.Critical behaviors of the O(4) and Z(2) symmetries in the QCD phase diagram[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,104(5)
- [29]Wen, Rui, 付伟杰.Correlations of conserved charges and QCD phase structure[J],CHINESE PHYSICS C,2022,45(4)
- [30]Braun, Jens, 付伟杰, Pawlowski, Jan M., Rennecke, Fabian, Rosenblueh, Daniel, yinshi.Chiral susceptibility in (2+1)-flavor QCD[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,102(5)
- [31]付伟杰.Chiral criticality and glue dynamics[J],Chinese Physics C,2022,43(7)
- [32]Rennecke, Fabian, 付伟杰, Pawlowski, Jan M..Strangeness neutrality and the QCD phase diagram[A],Proceedings of Science,2022,347
- [33]付伟杰, Pawlowski, Jan M., Rennecke, Fabian.Strangeness neutrality and baryon-strangeness correlations[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,100(11)
- [34]付伟杰, Pawlowski, Jan M., Rennecke, Fabian.QCD phase structure at finite temperature and density[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,101(5)
- [35]李乡, 付伟杰, Liu, Yu-xin.New insight about the effective restoration of U-A(1) symmetry[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,101(5)
- [36]yinshi, Wen, Rui, 付伟杰.Mesonic dynamics and the QCD phase transition[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,100(9)
- [37]Chen, Yong-rui, Wen, Rui, 付伟杰.Critical behaviors of the O(4) and Z(2) symmetries in the QCD phase diagram[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,104(5)
- [38]Wen, Rui, 付伟杰.Correlations of conserved charges and QCD phase structure[J],CHINESE PHYSICS C,2022,45(4)
- [39]Braun, Jens, 付伟杰, Pawlowski, Jan M., Rennecke, Fabian, Rosenblueh, Daniel, yinshi.Chiral susceptibility in (2+1)-flavor QCD[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,102(5)
- [40]付伟杰.Chiral criticality and glue dynamics[J],Chinese Physics C,2022,43(7)