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学科:理论物理. 粒子物理与原子核物理
- [1]陈永睿, 谈阳阳, 付伟杰.Critical dynamics within the real-time FRG approach[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2024,109(9)
- [2]Wen, Rui, Yin, Shi, 付伟杰.Estimates on the convergence of expansions at finite baryon chemical potentials[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2024,110(1)
- [3]谈阳阳, 陈永睿, 黄闯, 付伟杰.Criticality of the O(N) universality via global solutions to nonperturbative fixed-point equation...[J],EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C,2024,84(9)
- [4]付伟杰, 谈阳阳, 黄闯, Pawlowski, Jan M..Four-quark scatterings in QCD II[J],SciPost Physics,2024
- [5]Braun, Jens, 谈阳阳, 陈永睿, Rennecke, Fabian, Töpfel, Sebastian, Wessely, Jonas, Wink, Nicolas, 付伟杰, Geißel, Andreas, Horak, Jan, 黄闯, Ihssen, Friederike, Pawlowski, Jan M., Reichert, Manuel.Renormalised spectral flows[J],SciPost Physics Core,2024,6(3)
- [6]Wen, Rui, Yin, Shi, 付伟杰, Huang, Mei.Functional renormalization group study of neutral and charged pions in magnetic fields in the qua...[J],Physical Review D,2024,108(7)
- [7]付伟杰.QCD phase structure within the functional renormalization group approach[A],第十九届全国中高能核物理大会暨第十三届全国中高能核物理专题研讨会,2024,1-42
- [8]黄闯, 谈阳阳, Wen, Rui, Yin, Shi, 付伟杰.Reconstruction of baryon number distributions[J],CHINESE PHYSICS C,47(10)
- [9]Yin, Shi, 谈阳阳, 付伟杰.临界现象与泛函重整化群[J],核技术,2024,46(4)
- [10]付伟杰, 谈阳阳, 黄闯, Pawlowski, Jan M..Four-quark scatterings in QCD I[J],SCIPOST PHYSICS,2024,14(4)
- [11]Shao, Jun-xiang, 付伟杰, Liu, Yu-xin.Chemical freeze-out parameters via a functional renormalization group approach[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,109(3)
- [12]Shao, Jun-xiang, 付伟杰, Liu, Yu-xin.Chemical freeze-out parameters via a functional renormalization group approach[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,109(3)
- [13]付伟杰, Liu, Yu-xin.Four-fermion interactions and the chiral symmetry breaking in an external magnetic field[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,96(7)
- [14]李乡, 付伟杰, Liu, Yu-xin.Thermodynamics of 2+1 flavor Polyakov-loop quark-meson model under external magnetic field[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,99(7)
- [15]付伟杰, Pawlowski, Jan M., Rennecke, Fabian, Schaefer, Bernd-Jochen.Baryon number fluctuations at finite temperature and density[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,94(11)
- [16]Wen, Rui, Huang, Chuang, 付伟杰.Baryon number fluctuations in the 2+1 flavor low energy effective model[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,99(9)
- [17]Sun, Ke-xin, Wen, Rui, 付伟杰.Baryon number probability distribution at finite temperature[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,98(7)
- [18]Rennecke, Fabian, 付伟杰, Pawlowski, Jan M..Strangeness neutrality and the QCD phase diagram[A],Proceedings of Science,2022,347
- [19]付伟杰, Pawlowski, Jan M., Rennecke, Fabian.Strangeness neutrality and baryon-strangeness correlations[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,100(11)
- [20]付伟杰, Pawlowski, Jan M., Rennecke, Fabian.QCD phase structure at finite temperature and density[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,101(5)